
Does anyone agree with me about this?

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As a white american I am obviously noticing that more and more illegal mexican's are crossing the border and taking over everything. I personally think that the illegal mexicans should stay where they belong instead of coming here illegally. I also believe that it's rediculous that we should have to build a fence around their country to keep them in! Does anyone agree? and if not, what's your opinion on it?




  1. Eurpeans took this land from indians... so that makes you an immagrant as well!! It isn't just mexicans.. what about canadians? They come here all the time!???

  2. You're watching too much TV dude!

    Nobody is taking over, or over running anything! If you really feel this way, then I think as a "White Man", you should take the jobs that the illegal Mexicans have left behind because the American companies are going to fall without them because no "White Man" is stepping up to help out his country.

  3. I'm sure Mexicans would love to stay in Mexico, but the fact is we encourage them to come here to live here and they come because they can live better, earn more money and their kids can get a better education. We encourage them by giving them jobs offering them that education. Most of them that come here to America work the jobs no one really wants of course the company is going to hire them not to mention they are hard workers they don't complain. You know why? because if they were in their country they would be working a slave job for probably making 40 bucks a week. Times have changed there are businesses opening up in Mexico that pay decent but only so many jobs they can offer. If you want to help them stay in their country go to their country. Have you ever asked someone from Mexico why they came here or stay here? You should That's my opinion.

  4. Send them to Gitmo!

  5. 1) Give back Cali and Texas to them

    2) If you don't like the fence, land mining is the ticket.   I heard it is effective in Afghanistan.   A few of these babies go off than nobody would want to walk over.

  6. first of ignore comments that have to do with european immigrants although true, they are beyond the point,

    I do disagree that mexicans are "taking over" when was the last time you saw an illegal immigrant become CEO of say Citibank or owning large chunks of land....

    I do think is ridiculous to build a fence not only it does not work but its a waiste of money.

    Solutions... the only way to stop Mexican immigration is to make Mexico a better place, how? well increase trade, promote industry out there... etc..

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