Please let me know about what you think about each of these opinions. Try and prove me wrong.
1) Why are the jonas brothers the best? They dont play their own instruments (well), and there are 100 better bands out there. Why are young girls obsessed with the little talent they have?
2) Is texting important? I have a girlfriend, and she doesn't even like to call! She believes that texting is the best thing to comunicate. No. Texting means nothing. Am i right?
3) Facebook and myspace: Why do girls use facebook and myspace to rule their relationship? I've seen girls get mad because their boyfriends dont click on "in a relationship". Is it really that big of a deal? It's the internet. It shouldn't matter, especially if you're "in Love"
4) Emo. Why are people SO sad, that they have to dress in black, and dye their hair purple, and cut themselves? Am i missing something, or does this not make sense? If you're sad, i'm sure you can go and talk to a councellor or something. Why waste time to make yourself look like a drugged up vampire?
If you disagree with me, please respond to this. I want to know some reasons for these. If you can, try and convince me to change my opinion.