
Does anyone agree with me on this?

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We need no King or government over us and God is the ultimate ruler anyway, so was Samuel right all along. And now the world is subject to the mechanism they requested?




  1. The quote was not "do not render unto Caesar, only render to God."  The quote was "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's."  Yes, you are responsible to our government.

  2. Sorry but no, if we didn't have a government countries would be lost and there would be chaos because people can't behave themselves and it would just be a big mess. And without a king who would rule? Who would make the important decisions?  

  3. Samuel's annointing of a king was against his own wishes but God told him to listen to the people as the period of the judges was over and it was not Samuel they had rejected but God. I don't think a theocracy would work anyway because

    1 the only example we have of a theocracy Israel, didn't work because the people did not obey or listen to God.

    2 as others said not everyone believes in God.

    3 somewhere in the new testament there is a passage dealing with subjecting oneself to the government of the day since God has put them in charge and so on. and no I don't mean the slaves obey your masters bit though that does give me a giggle. I will assume you live in a democratic society and say that you have or will have a role in that government when you vote. If you have a choice to vote or not then you are lucky indeed. but a choice not to vote to me means that you abdicate all rights to protest at what your government does. I don't regard democracy as perfect, nor any other system of government either, but I think it is the best we have. You have the right to choose your leaders and that means, by what I learnt at school, that you have obligations because of that. In australia for example, voting is compulsory for all people over the age of 18 enforced by fines. That doesnt mean you have to do anything but turn up and have your name crossed off or write messages on the paper. these are called donkey votes.  

  4. No not really. I believe God gave us choices to & organize our life while following his commands. Government by itself isn’t evil, it depends on what it does. & government consists of people. The more power a person has the more responsible he/ she is.

  5. No, I don't agree with you. Not unless you can proof gods exist, that is.

  6. I can't say that I agree that we need no government but we definitely have way too much government which is a big problem that keeps getting worse.

  7. Yes we are responsible to the governments we create.  According to the argument you put forth we are also responsible to vote if we have that right.

  8. No I don't agree with you because not everyone believes in God or is brought up learning about God and religion (such as me). Plus, look at all those countries with unstable and/or no government. They're chaos! Sure, some government officials/leaders are just greedy, but the King and Queens usually don't have any say in the running of their country, anyway. I guess in a way we're responsible to our govenrment but when it comes down to it, the only reason you're going to do something is because it's your decision; a law won't stop that.

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