
Does anyone agree with me on why Rampage will smash Forrest Griffin?

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1st of all just because Forrest beat Shogun (an injured Shogun) doesn't mean he will run wild on Rampage. Its invalid Chuck Liddell beat W.Silva who beat Rampage who beat Chuck Liddell.

I remember during the fight Shogun was able to takedown Forrest a good number of times with a bad knee. Shogun is hardly a wrestler and had an hurt knee and was able to take him down repeatedly.

Forrest in the past has shown to have weakness towards wrestlers. Rampage has great slams and takedowns.

Although Forrest has a good chin Rampage has a great chin. Which brings to mind that Forrest sometimes loves to brawl and I see Rampage knocking out Forrest out cold if he does get him in a brawl.



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