
Does anyone agree with my theory on Humans

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If you look at it Human's are the single most destructive greedy creatures walking it's way on this planet. Humans are not only abusing others for entertainment but eroding this planet to Subliminal darkness, as we cannot see it supposedly and continue to deny we rot everyone away!! The beginning of this planet was a beautiful day where the air was completely fresh, the planet was breathing in the sparkling oxygen that of which we hadn't contaminated yet. The animals were pure and the water streamed with it's untainted clear skin. We came along and polluted this planet, brought up war, darkness, destruction, murder, and other adversary's that would plow this planet's demise.

Let me start with an emotion that has crushed a lot. "Love" as we speak is the single most wonderful emotion any Human can experience, that of course is being written by a Human in love. Love CAN bring happiness, but most of all hatred. Hatred is Human's greatest weapon, the only thing that can get us to do things we usually would never do. But Hatred is so commonly used, and thus so commonly expressed and with that we use it to break and destroy. Now of course Love isn't the only source of hatred, human's are the source and even without the emotion "Love" hatred is still breed and embedded into the human as yet another adversary. This hatred doesn't even need to be used to do these horrible and explicit things, we just need to have the ability to use this hatred whenever we want. With this ability we have power in our eyes, and you know how people are with power. Power can even get us to kill people we "LOVE" for it, we lust it, we need it. When we have power we need to show it off we need to USE it, so we use it on something that won't weaken or get our power taken away but strengthen it within. We use torture, and that's where murder, animal abuse, child molestation, and other forms of neglectful disgrace come sin. It doesn't matter if we consciously want this power, deep down within everyone is a lust for this greedy c**p. With this hatred and power we do things that excite us without even really caring.

Now of course people are going to come here and be like "I care, I help people". No, theirs a reason you come off as so nice and caring to people but right now I'm lazy and tired from writing all this so I will nap on it. I do want to get a blog and write about all this, it would be easier to just copy and paste this thought from a blog. Anyways anyone agree with me?




  1. I beleve that it is the people who say they are good, who are really the worst kind of people.

    I try my best, but I do slip alot, and I'm not afraid to admit it and I most certianly would'nt put a happy mask over it.

    We all havve good and bad in us, so you should exspect both from people.

    Personally sometimes I think that people should keep with the black and white cookie philospy, eat both sides, or you'll end up with too much of athe other.

    PS: When I was 13 years old I made a promise to never say I love you unless I ment it. More than one occurance this has made me look bad, but love isnt something you just throw at anyone.

    (sorry about my speeling skill, its sorta late)

    It nice to be good, but you have to understand that everyone goes to the dark side.

  2. I don't think life was so romantic before humans came to exist . Did you forget the food chain ?Life continued for billions of years before humans by the strong eating the weak to survive . We just came , but we are civilized . A lot of humans are changing into vegetarians and one day the world of humans will be a vegetarian . And the whole world is changing into a world renewable energy . so we are learning and improving . Look at us now : are we the same humans who only 4000 years before killed another human as a sacrifice ? now we have banned even s*x wIth who is under 18 . We are progressing . It looks slow , but it is not .

    We are greedy . Yes , that's right ,  but we are trying to come up with laws and regulations that will make people abide to law and not instinct .

    One day the world with the effort of good people will be a big country that will function in love and harmony . It may happen in 1000 years and maybe less . That's really a very short time if we look at the age of humanity . So , i think so far we are doing excellent .

  3. I,m simply does not agree with your teory of human. you speak obout human that resemble virus that distroy the earth. We are unique creature created by god, you as christian should know better of this. Human are given both emosion and mind that think rational and logic, that differ us from animal or beast. Everthing that created by god has a purpose in this world. If you saying that our purpose is to destroy the nature that by all mean maybe your right but maybe your wrong. perhaps we are created to resolve the problem or balancing the nature itself. Human are one with the nature, if we destroy the nature we also will perish. You speak of love as you know more than anyone, LOVE is just a word that give meaning to our emotion, Im myself really don't know what is love really is. love could be feeling that happen because the hormone reaction in our body that give abstract signals to our brain thus creating illusion like drugs. we never knows, no scientific evidence what so ever that could prove this thing., Human afterall a unique creation of God. For all I know, we as human should use our mind and emotion to guide us to dicide the best disicion of everyday life, to diffrentiate the bad and good, wrong and false so we could undone the mistake of human of the past. Human will continue to learn but the most important thing is we learn from our mistake and continue to develop and find our true purpose in this life.

  4. I find your writing to be focused on the more saddening, self-pitting part of mankind, where you find everything and everyone to be bad and hateful, but I have to disagree, because, come on, if that was the case, mankind would have gone into oblivion a good while ago.

    And, I mean, if you happen to enjoy thinking like that, or well, not enjoy, but if you can't find some other perspective to see the things that surround you, well, then I guess you are part of that world that you are so passionately criticizing.

    But, like people here said, it's late to be discussing this sort of thing.

    Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. =)

  5. People tend to project the feelings they have about themselves onto humanity in general.  For example, I'm happy, and good natured, and I tend to think most people are too.  

  6. "The beginning of this planet was a beautiful day where the air was completely fresh, the planet was breathing in the sparkling oxygen that of which we hadn't contaminated yet. The animals were pure and the water streamed with it's untainted clear skin. We came along and polluted this planet, brought up war, darkness, destruction, murder, and other adversary's that would plow this planet's demise."

    First... not true.

    The planet was originally a smoldering mess of chemicals (all organic) that somehow, over a long time span, formed organic compounds that became cell-like that managed to develop into plants.  Then, these plants became accustomed to the changing environment as oxygen began to rise, and they developed photosynthetic capabilities.  Oxygen became more abundant, more organisms began to arrive... etc.

    Second, what is your theory?  That hate destroys all?  That we need to love more?

    How could you define love without hate?  You couldn't.  You also couldn't define hate without love.  Imagine a world without ANY hate.  What would be the definition of love? "Where you respect all, help all..." etc.

    But, if there were no hate, then that would be the norm.  It wouldn't be a deviation from a normal emotion.  Therefore, it wouldn't be "love" because it would need no definition.  It would be a typical state of being.

    And, are you saying that ALL people are inevitably evil and unwilling to help?  (yourself included?)

    I think that part of the reason that people are willing to hurt others is a sense of self protection.  "If you bomb us, you sure as h**l better expect something back!" is a good philosophy... MAD (mutually assured destruction).   It deters the bombing.  It scares us away from doing any nuclear bombing.  If we can guarantee that we can hurt someone who hurts us, then the opposing individual is less likely to hurt us.

    Hate is powerful.  Love is powerful.  Without one, another doesn't exist.

    I don't think that all people are inevitably evil.  Read some Rosseau (society corrupts the individual, but in nature, all are pure.  Frankenstein is a good example of that.)  Or read Jose Saramego's Blindness.  Maybe Voltaire's Candide,too.

  7. Of course humans are selfish and destructive, but so is everything else in the animal kingdom. The only difference that separates us from the animals is rational thought. Animals seem much worse only because they attack and eat each other. I don't see how TRUE love can bring hatred. I know what you mean with power, but it's not like that with everybody who has power. I mean, your boss or teachers have power over you, but that doesn't mean that they torture or kill to get it. In general, I believe that there are the good people and the bad people. You just have to watch out and think of who you trust. Nobody's perfect, especially not humans.

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