
Does anyone believe God hardens hearts today like God did in the Bible?

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My co-worker believes God hardens hearts and thinks that it is not considered manipulative...what do you think?

God hardened the Pharaoh's heart in Egypt, what if that were you and you were not allowed by God to make your own individual choice but were forced by the hardening of your heart into making a choice that was possibly not the choice you would have chosen. So, could it have been possible for Pharaoh if he were allowed to make his own choice could have decided differently and let the people go thus saving the life of his own son?




  1. Very true, this is but one example of God overriding freewill in the old testament.

  2. God hardened the heart of the Pharaoh so that He could unleash the seven plagues that would kill many people.

    So He wanted to kill every first-born, man, and woman in Egypt.


    Wow, so you don't call that manipulative?

  3. Sure!

  4. Yes, all those Christians that believe that they still have sins intact in their hearts, and try to get rid of them with perpetual repentance prayers. God came to remove all our sins with Jesus water baptism and His blood on the Cross (John 3:5). But because people make God out to be a liar and dont know what they are reading in His Word, they are committing a serious and profane sin unto God. Therefore, because they will not heed to his gospel of the water and the Spirit and believe in it, God will harden their hearts so that they can neither receive the forgiveniss of sins or receive eternal life with Him in heaven. We are living in such a time......

  5. Your heart is hardened when you curse God. I've seen it happen. Pharaoh made his own choice. He wasn't willing to let the Israelites go. He hardened his own heart.

  6. Of course. Atheist are a perfect example. Their hearts are hardened against God. Be it their choice or Gods. Atheists chose to believe the bible is a lie so God allows then to.

  7. I think God only hardens hearts of people who will absolutely NOT turn to God.  So, no, I don't believe God is being manipulative. God is all knowing.

  8. The Bible says that the conscience can be seared as if by an iron, but it also says that God gives everyone a space of repentance. So I think God can still harden hearts, but only as a last resort. Remember, He comes to seek and to save, not destroy.

  9. I think if you choose to follow a religion, you ought not make excuses for what what your god has done.  I also think you should just pick the bits and pieces you like.  Seems a bit hypocritical to me.  


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