
Does anyone believe a baby can get an ear infection from flying (airplane ride)?

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Does anyone believe a baby can get an ear infection from flying (airplane ride)?




  1. Flying does not produce ear infections.  Only germs can produce ear infections.

    Pressure changes during flight may cause discomfort in the ears (especially in babies), but they do not produce infections.  A baby or other passenger who already has an infection before boarding might be in considerable pain during some phases of flight if the infection blocks the normal equalization of pressure in the ears.  This is why it's not a good idea to fly with a cold.

  2. Absolutely.  Pressure changes are especially hard on babies because they don't know how to "pop" their ears and equalize it.  A dramatic pressure change can cause a perforation in the baby's eardrum, which will hurt and make them scream the rest of the way.  Once an eardrum is perforated, germs can more easily get into their middle ear causing infection.  Try feeding the baby during ascent and descent if possible, because sucking open the eustachian tube, which equalizes pressure in the middle ear and keep the eardrum for perforating or rupturing.  Good luck!

  3. yes anyone can believe a baby can get an ear infection from flying but i do not think so airoplane voice cant create infection in anybody ear

  4. He will not get an ear infection from flying unless there are germs around that will cause the ear infection. However, pressure changes can cause earaches that should dissipate once the plane has landed.

  5. Ear infection is an infection. You (or your baby) gets it from being exposed to the germs. From letting water in to ears. From sleeping on the back while having runny nose and letting the mucous (aka snot) from the nose go into middle ear through inside passage, etc. Can't get it from flying...

    That said - if (s)he already has an ear infection, even the mildest form of it, flying can get very very painful. Especially during landing phase. Not even infection. Simply having a stuffed nose can lead to a sharp and very painful sensations in the ears. I know, because I once flew with badly stuffed nose - and that was probably among the most painful experiences for my ears so far. And I'm far from being a baby :/

    Basically, even in pressure controlled cabin - when plane lands, pressure raises a bit. And if your nose-throat-ears trio (they are all interconnected inside) is not working properly as to allowing the pressure to stabilize (like having nose stuffed) inside the middle ear, that can get painful. And if there's already an infection - it may get painful just because it will be a lot more sensitive to even mild pressure changes.

    So the bottom line is - talk to the baby's doctor, and see if he can suggest a medication or any other way to unstuff the nose just before flying, or before landing!


  6. Maple, I am certain that at least one person believe this. However, babies get ear infections from germs, not airplanes. They might be exposed to germs from the environment on the aircraft, as there are a lot of people present.



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