
Does anyone believe ib aliens?

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I do cause we can't be the only livings things




  1. I believe there may be other forms of life far off, but they are so far off in space it would not be practical to visit us. If a species of life existed somewhere with a technology so advanced they could traverse the great distances of space the way we ride airplanes, I certainly would not want to meet them.

  2. Miyuki and her friends are aliens. Do you think they will abduct me? They are from Japan and Italy, so they are aliens in the USA. The only aliens here are from other countries. If any planets besides Earth have life, these planets are much too distant for creatures from them to come here. The nearest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri. Light takes about 4.3 light years to reach us from there, and no spaceship can travel anywhere near as fast as light, because its inertia increases exponentially, so its mass is infinite, in effect, at the speed of light, so not all of the energy one can gather by burning the universe can make it travel so fast. At a more reasonable velocity, i.e. our escape velocity, a rocket would take 106,448 years to travel from here to Proxima Centauri. Forget warp drive, shortcuts through other dimensions, going into black holes, etc., since it is all fantasy. What are your qualifications for judging what can or cannot be true? There is only speculation about life on other planets. Show me some real proof, and I shall agree, but until then, I leave the question open. We may never really know.  

  3. I believe that there are other living things on a place other than earth because not only are there other planets but there are other galaxies and the milky way can not be the only galaxy with a life form on it. Oh and a for people who say they saw an alien and you thing they are real that does not mean you have to believe them because aliens have not been known to land on earth for over 100 years

  4. there are plants and other animals

  5. well i believe in other living things on other planets and other gallexies. =]


  6. You are always going to have believers and non-believers.. But the fact remains someone is flying those space ship that seem to be all over this earth........

  7. I talk to them. actualy thier a lot of them around were i live so yes i have senn a UFO right over my car. It would not start either i thought they were going to eat me or somthing  

  8. Kim said everything I was just going to say.

  9. I wrote a series of articles about how I feel about the topic.

    A Layman's Theories

  10. i do...i saw a real UFO night and it wasnt a plan, cuz we checked w/ a telescope

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