
Does anyone believe in Love spells? ?

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Has anyone ever cast a spell on someone to make that person love you? Does anyone out there believe in such magic?




  1. I have never heard of/seen it no, unfortunately.

    it would be great if it did! haha :)

    i do believe in some magic though. just not this kind.

  2. No love spells r not real they r made up duh

  3. Nope.  Magic isn't real.  

  4. no i think it's c**p and ppl who cast them are really jerks... that person could be in love with someone else! or just have no attraction to said person who cast it, taking away there free will is just wrong!

    no i don't really believe in them, god gave us free will only he can take it away...

  5. i do, it works all the time everytime i have used this spell.

    i found it in one of my grandmothers spell books.

    This is actuacly how it goes:

    at times you need to do things to make somebody love you, because it doesnt allways come on its own. Doing the following 5 things will make sure that within 5 days the girl/guy you like will love you.

    1. Blow sofly into her ears

    2. Walk five circles around her and think of her b*****s

    3. Tickle her v****a

    4. Get one single hair from her and put it under your pilow for 2 and 1/4 knights.

    5. Say this to following word to her in your best voice "HOERRMOTIVIA-VAGAAGAANIIIAA-NOVA"

    it works all the time for me i have had 6 girlfriends using this spell i love it :)

    (Well im L*****n but i supose it would work on guys too)

    xx love yaa

  6. um... no

  7. Many people have cast such spells, and I even know several people who say they have worked for them. The morality behind such workings is a subject of debate among pracititioners of various backgrounds, but nevertheless people do cast them, and they often seem to be effective.

  8. I believe in it but I never cast one. I am one of these days though just to try it out. I wonder how you can.

  9. i don't believe in it


  11. Stay away from spells like that.  Messing with someones free will (i.e. choosing who to love) can have very negative consequences on you.  Karma works in three fold so if you harm someone by stopping their free will, something three times as bad will happen to you.

    Do I believe in them, yes.   Will I ever use one, GODDESS NO!!!!

  12. don't play with this stuff, it's always come back in a negative way on you...

  13. Yep.  later on me, the wicked witch, and chuck norris are ganna brew up some love spells and follow the yellow brick road.

  14. no

  15. no not really

  16. Yes.  I was never really interested in this girl then all of a sudden one night I REALLY REALLY liked her for some reason.  I mean it was like BAM!  She was angry with me though and i think she will now lock the bathroom door when she is in the shower and I will knock first as well.

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