
Does anyone believe in global warming?

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if anyone believes or does not believe in global warming. please give me 3 reasons why or why not so that i can make it into an essay for school because i feel that it is not real because i believe the world will end when Jesus comes back in how ever Jesus wants it to end.




  1. i believe in it

  2. I don't believe it is real because Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, and if he can deliver gifts all over the world in one night, he could carry ice to the North Pole the rest of the year to keep it cold so he wouldn't lose his home.

    Also, the Easter Bunny needs spring too stay when it is so he knows when to deliver the eggs he lays. And really, if a male bunny can lay eggs then surely all the forest creatures would do their part to help save spring for him.

    Oh yeah... and that Jesus thing you said, too.

    So you can just ignore all the changes in the weather, frogs breeding weeks earlier, ice caps melting, glaciers getting smaller, birds no longer migrating as far, armadillos and other southern animals moving further North than they've ever been, and all those thermometers around the world. It's all just made up sciency stuff anyway, and we should be able to only believe what we want and what makes us feel happy. And all the science geeks should have to agree that our notions are just as good as their years of training, research, and peer reviewed reports.

    or, you could just say that it is natural because it has happened before, and pretend that means it isn't happening at all because we might not be the main cause. I wonder if that works on earthquakes and volcanoes too, that way they wouldn't cause any damage unless we said we caused them?

  3. yes, i believe in global warming but i more believe in the term "greenhouse effect"

    There is evidence all around us

    1. Change in temperatures

    2. Change in precipitation

    3. polar caps melting more than usual

    4. Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice melting faster than usual

    5. plants and animals dying from the change in climate

    There are lots of people who don't believe in global warming because they think all of the things i listed are normal

    another theory is the Jesus theory which i believe because i am Christian

    this theory is very possible with all the natural disasters happening

    I don't think global warming is irreversible but preventable. it is not to late

    I do my part by recycling and trying to preserve the land

    even though i am only one person, we are one person closer to stopping global warming

  4. A) global warming is not saying the world will "end".  It has nothing whatsoever to do with biblical prophecy.

    B)  Science does not deal with biblical prophecy in any way.

  5. "i feel that it is not real because i believe the world will end when Jesus comes back in how ever Jesus wants it to end."

    hahaha, you really believe that huh?

  6. That is just so precious, I had to star it so my contacts could see it.

  7. Yes there is global warming just like there is global cooling.

    1) The world has had several ice ages in the past 65 million years and each one has melted away.  So if it got cold enough to form mile thick glaciers it must have warmed up enough to melt them.

    2) During the time of the dinosaurs, paleogeology of many temperature sensitive species suggests that the earth was a much warmer place.  Think about it all those large lizards running around.  

    3) There are massive ice sheets breaking off of the artic regions, sub arctic regions are seeing tremendous retreats of their glaciers in the last few years. Also there are many changes in the animal kingdom and weather patterns too.  

    Does that work for you.  Doesn't mean the world would end, just a natural cycle in the earth.  

  8. It's not a matter of belief.

    Global warming is a true fact that has been scientifically proven.  You can go to the wikipedia page for lots of evidence supporting global warming: , or watch An Inconvenient Truth.

    Anyone who doesn't believe in global warming is wrong.  That's just the way facts work.


  9. i believe in it because:

    1. people use a lot of products that create waste.

    2. people don't care about the earth as much.

    3. places are getting hotter and the temperature is rising. and there's less snow.

    i don't believe in it because:

    1. the world changes and its natural.

    2. its a proven fact that the claimant is always changing.

    3. in the past there has been hot weather and then it cools down and gets hot again. so its natural

    i kinda believe both. i think people shouldn'pollutete as much, but theshouldn'tnt stop living there lives because of it. if everyonstopeded using stuff that was harmful to the earth people would go crazy. i think that people rely on cars anelectricityty to survive to much.

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