
Does anyone believe in god but not religion?

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Does anyone believe in god but not religion?




  1. I believe in God, I believe Jesus is his son, I believe religions have became flawed by the influences of man over the years.

  2. I do. I believe that most religions are merely a business enterprise producing wealth for the diocese / reverend etc. This is blatantly obvious & yet folks donate their hard earned money to these people. They (seemingly) use whatever they see fit to take so to promote their own opulence.  I find nothing wrong w/ praying to God without being inside a specified building, or in the company of others.

  3. I believe that God never intended that people become religious. I think that was a creation of Man and his carnal nature.What God intended for was a full on relationship with him with no separation. But what the church has become is so far from what God had planned it is sad.  

  4. yes actually.

    I believe in God as energy. We all are part of it.

    I'm not religious at all.

    I'm spiritual.


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  5. You can't have one without the other.

  6. Be more specific.

    Religion is nothing more or less than mankind's attempt to understand the Divine.

    But I think what you're referring to here is ORGANIZED religion, as in the main world religions.  In that case, I'm in that category.  I think of myself as "spiritual, but not religious".  None of the religions are 100% of the way there, if you ask me.  So I just go my own way.  Sometimes people come with me, sometimes they don't.

  7. you have to have both...and i do believe in mother of god,GOD holy spirit and angels im roman i know alot about religion

  8. Absolutely.

    See, religion is man's attempt to get to God.

    Christianity is God's attempt to get to man.

    Religion is what crucified Jesus Christ.  It was used as a tool by satan.

    But God used that crucifixion to be able to give us eternal life through Jesus' sacrifice.  

    So, yep, I definitely believe in God but not in religion.

  9. Contrary to what bible thumpers may think I do not think you need both. I am an atheist but I have many friends that hate organized religion and just believe that there is a higher power.

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