
Does anyone believe in mental telepathy ?

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Does anyone believe in mental telepathy ?




  1. yes

  2. no.

  3. Only the silly and gullible.

  4. Yes, some people do believe in mental telepathy.

    Because I live in the reality-based world (i.e. planet earth) I do not believe in paranormal, unsubstantiated claims.

  5. "OF COURSE!!!"

    Direct mind-to-mind communication is possible;the term coined by Frederic Myers to refer to the paranormal acquisition of information concerning the thoughts, feelings or activity of another conscious being; the word has superseded earlier expressions such as “thought-transference.”

    another forms of telephaty;

    Latent Telephathy

    An instance of telepathy in which there seems to be a time lag between the agent’s attempt to transmit the target, and the percipient’s awareness of that target

    Precognitive Telephaty

    The paranormal acquisition of information concerning the future mental state of another conscious being.

  6. Yes.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  7. want to send love messages. try the tantra.

  8. I do. I'm afraid someone is reading my mind when I'm thinking or doing something that I don't want other people to know. It would be really embarassing you know?  I say a blocking spell that a witch friend taught me to block out the telepaths when I don't want them to watch me.

  9. Is there any other kind?

  10. I definately do.

  11. Yes, we all posess the potential for it. It's more natural than many people think. A lot of people see it as too strange or far removed from reality, basically because of all the 'taboos' surrounding it. Many scientists are interested in it. Governments are interested in it. Ancient religions practiced it.

    It takes learning and practice like anything else in one's life

  12. no

  13. I do.

  14. Yes.  I usually try it before getting off my butt to grab another beer.

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