
Does anyone believe in the paranormal? if so why?

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Just wondering what people thought of the paranormal...and if anyone has had their own paranormal experience?? and if so did make you more curious?? or what to find out more?? or did it just freak you out and you want nothing to do with it?? Thanks.!>!>!>!>!




  1. One explanation are the Jinn.

  2. I somewhat believe in the paranormal, but I'm not really sure.  I've played with a ouija board before and I'm not sure if everything that happened while using it was just all of us imagining it or what.  Like we kept hearing sounds and feeling like a hand or cold air.  It was probably just us overreacting but I remember thinking how creepy this is and wanting to leave the house lol.

  3. i haven't had anything paranormal happen to me, but "paranormal" is a pretty broad term. i dont know why i beleive in stuff like that. for me there seems to me evidence behind paranormal happenings than there is to prove that god exists and stuff like that.  its just natural for me.

  4. I believe in it. I have never seen anything only felt it and sensed it and thought I seen things. My parents & extended family don't make it their world but they will talk to me about paranormal things that most people will not talk about.

    I get on kicks where I want to know more but whenever I try and find things out I seem to get stuck with the same old stories I already know about.

    I learn the most when something happens and I bring my stories to my family. I guess we're a little special.

    My dad always told me that if I was scared it was not a good spirit because they would not scare me. How's that for parenting!

  5. My beliefs are based on both my personal, subjective experience as well as objectively gathered data available to me.  Based on those two sources I have to say I do not believe in many of what are called paranormal phenomena.

    I grew up very curious to learn as much as possible about the world around me.  Hearing about ghosts made me extremely curious to know more.  I read voraciously, asked people about ghosts, visited "haunted" places and did as much other research as I could.  I was very disappointed with what I eventually learned about such things though.

  6. i believe because ive experienced things that have no explaination..scary things. then there are the things i get from my family..their stories, and these are christian folks with no reason to make up stories. i believe them and i know what ive experienced..

  7. I do...and I have experienced alot.

    It makes you understand that you are more than your physical body and that we dont actually die....we continue on.

  8. I believe there is Paranormal, but it is a skeptical belief. I have a group that investigates hauntings, but to tell you the truth while having some starnge stuff happen, I have yet to see a ghost. If you look at the ehter world in a purely scientific athiest way then you dont believe in anything you cant prove on a chalk board. but many in science will tell you that there are things you cannot explain with math or a beaker. The fact is, for thousands of years there have been reports of hauntings. most of the ghostly experiences transend time with virtually the same descriptions. from Acient Egypt to ancient China to present day America. Saying a spirit does not exist is like saying a person cannot feel danger. You cant measure the feeling, you cant take a picture of the feeling yet you know when its time to get away from a situation. Just because the tech does not exist at this point to prove one way or another doesnt mean the spirit world and ghosts dont exist. It is a condescinding and snobbish idea that man can be all knowing all seeing of everything around him. We dont even know how ourselves work much less know everything about how the universe works.

  9. Yes, I have experienced paranormal happenings. yes it made me curious. I have used the methods you read about on the websites and in paranormal books.

    the most convincing experience was when I saw my first ghost and he spoke. that was 35 years ago.


  10. Yes I live with spirit activity in my home.

    You can check out the investigators reports at these links;

    If you have any further Q's send me an e-mail

  11. I've had a lot of them for years. It turned out really bad. Now all I want to do with them is to try to find out what was happening to me...and to find out which were paranormal...which had scientific answers..which were people tricking me etc. ..and why. I thought people would want to know about these things...I had always wondered about them. But...most of them just thought I was crazy..or spying on them..or evil. I wish nothing had ever happened to me. Many said it was the Holy Spirit...but they turned on me too. Best thing to do is keep it to yourself.

  12. I do, im Psychic. Its freaky and intriguing

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