
Does anyone believe in the paranormal ?????

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cause on ghost hunters they show a chair that moves by itself in part 4 while doing the Anilysis and reveal




  1. Oh yes I believe in all sorts of wonderful paranormal experiences. Ghosts and spirits are real.

  2. I have been a Paranormal Examiner since 1980, and I am the Director for S.P.E.A.R. in GA.  I have MANY reasons to believe in the Paranormal.

    I usually explain away (i.e. "de-bunk") approx 80% of the reported Paranormal activity that we Examine...because we approach each Examination for a Skeptic's point, as we are there to Explain it.    But, there's about 20% that we can't explain away.....and I've tried repeatedly.  

    To be considered "evidence", Activity must be supported by a minimum of 3 Datum Directly dealing with the Activity, be it Audio (Digital and/or Analog), Video (Digital and/or Film), IR Thermal Imagery (Recorded), Temperature Fluctuations (Recorded on Video), Electro Magnetic Field Fluctuations (Recorded on Video), or Still Photos (Digital and/or Film).

    We do not consider that 1 "piece" of "evidence" or 1 EVP or "orbs" constitutes a "Haunting" takes a lot more than that.  We search for the Truth, and Only the Truth, about Paranormal Activity.

  3. Yes, in fact most people in the world believe in some type of paranormal activity. Paranormal is an umbrella tern covering many types of phenomena (link below).

    In fact despite some attempts at rationalization by YA skeptics belief or non belief is a highly subjective matter.

    For instance superstring theory having no mechanistic explanation can be considered paranormal. However, because it was proposed by scientist that have traditional training and it is close enough to the theories already in use many people accept it both inside and outside the physics community.

    Keep in mind that Einstein from an earlier generation rejected non locality based on his personal bias so even the greatest suffer from lack of objectivity.

    Where ESP that suffers from the same failures many people reject on it's face as "defying the laws of physics" which is true if your understanding of physics is still what you learned in elementary school.

    ESP and Remote Viewing both have scientifically valid evidence for their existence which has met and often exceeded both the statistical significance and methodological soundness of other experiments in the social sciences and medicine. (links below)

    The choice to not believe is simply a personal bias that will dissipate with future generations.


  4. All kinds of things happen that science can not explain, and that is PARAnormal.  Seriously, unidentified lights or vehicles in the sky, anomalous animals like kangaroos and black panthers appearing in the midwestern US, rains of frogs, fish, and organic matter like blood, and even poltergeist or ghostly phenomenon like chairs moving on their own.  All of these things have been documented and scientists and skeptics offer up feeble explanations.  

    Of course not everything is paranormal either, sometimes there is a scientific explanation, like on Ghost Hunters, for example,  when they debunk a door that opens or closes on its own.

  5. I do i dont think that I will be scared if I ever seen one they wont do nothing i also watch ghost hunters every wednesday so yeah i wish i could box a ghost!

  6. Do you think that there would be a Paranormal Section if nobody believed in it? Yes..lots of us believe in it. It does happen. Go to Resolved Questions. You'll learn a lot.

  7. Yes people do, No I don't

    It's TV, it's never real on TV

  8. I believe in the paranormal, but i do not believe the tv shows. they are fake.. it is all set up!

  9. Sure.plenty of people do.That doesn't make it real.Ghost Hunters is a TV show.They pretend to be real.Professional wrestling used to pretend to be real.In fact wrestlers swore it was.Many folks believed them.I bet they feel silly now.Some day I hope people that believe in ghosts feel just as silly.

  10. I believe in the Paranormal

  11. I do my best to base my beliefs on evidence and reason.  I have seen neither evidence nor reason to convince me things like ghosts exist independent of their observer.

  12. I believe in the Paranormal.

    But I do not watch shows like Ghost Hunters because I believe in the paranormal. In my opinion shows like that are fake and only out to make money.

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