
Does anyone believe that Jetstar offers great customer service as they claim to?

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I have never experienced good let alone great service on a Jetstar flight and am amazed every time I see them claim to win awards for their service.




  1. Noooo! They suck!!!

  2. I have flown Jetstar and while the service isnt as good as Qantas, you do get what you pay for.....actually a little less.

    Remember, the 3 budget Airlines of Australia are children of some major Airlines in the world.


    Virgin Blue-Virgin Atlantic

    Tiger Airways-Singapore Airlines.

    If Jetstar can win 'Worlds best low cost airline" then Tiger Airways will next year. The company that gave Jetstar that award (Skytrax) are the official airline industry quality thingie and at the moment, Tiger Airways are getting more positive feedback then Jetstar.

    Personally, I call them Sh*tStar.....

    but the way things are now, it can only improve.

  3. The only place I have ever heard good comments about them has been on their own commercials. No-one I know who has travelled with them has reckoned they are any good.

    BUT, having said that, we are a bit spoiled in Australia, with Qantas as our main domestic carrier, providing meals, etc.

    In Europe and most other places this standard of service simply doesn't exist.

    People who think travelling Qantas with blankets, headsets and meals / refreshments included in the ticket should try flying domestic with Swiss Air, Lufthansa or Iberian. Good airlines, friendly and safe, but NO extras!

    And if you get dumped ~ like people have by JetStar, you're on your own. That's fine when things go well, but when things go badly, you want a reliable, responsible carrier.

    Qantas for me, if at all possible, although if Tiger comes even close to Singapore's usual excellent standard, I'm looking forward to trying them.

    Cheers :-)

  4. not one person i have spoken to can say anything good about them and that includes a friend in the travel industry. Have never travelled with them prefer Virgin or Qantas and wont not after they way they have stranded people in Sydney recently.

  5. iv'e flown with jetstar on several occasions, found no problems whatsoever.

  6. Oh god, I know, they are dreadful!!!

    On my last flight with them I had to endure a flight all the way to Thailand with no movies (I paid extra for them but their system was down), no meals (they forgot my prepaid $30 vegetarian meal and still charged me for wine and snacks) and freezing cold (because they pump up the cold air con and s***w you if you forgot to pay for a blanket).

    They told me I could email them to request a meal and movies refund... 3 months later no reply.

    If you try to get a refund or rescheduling of a flight that you've paid  extra for to entitle you to this (a Flexifare), expect to jump through hoops. They couldn't change my flight because of their system problems, could only offer me a refund and just left me in the lurch with no flight home and waiting for 6 weeks for a refund.

    They SUCK!

    Coming back from Thailand in January, I felt so sorry for the Qantas customers whose flight had been canceled. They herded them onto our Jetstar flight and they starved because they didn't have prepaid booked Jetstar meals. After paying for a Qantas ticket and being treated like that on Jetstar, which is owned by Qantas, they were all very angry and it was a very tense flight.

    Jetstar budget fares is a total con. Once you've paid for all the extras that you'd get on a normal flight, you could've saved money by just booking with British Airways or something... and have a nicer flight. I have done the math ;)

    I enjoyed that bitchin', thanks :)

  7. I always regarded Qantas Domestic as a no-frills airline. Try being shoved in an aging B737 on a winter's Melbourne-Perth flight. JetStar is at least one step below that!

    Never mind 'industry awards', they are easy to buy one way or another.

  8. Excellent question and good lot of responses, it's interesting to see what people have to say about JetStar.

    I was turned off them when I heard of people being stranded without accommodation here in Sydney on a very wild and stormy night with driving rain, and no help being made available.

    When Ansett was still around I booked one of their flights and it was cancelled and held over until the next day - but everyone who lived in Sydney got a taxi home and back the next day, and out of town people got hotel accommodation overnight.

    If the cheaper fares are very important to the indvidual, it is understandable, but I would hate to be deserted by an airline in a strange city or worse a strange country for the sake of a few dollars :-(

    However, I couldn't care less what their hair is like, all air crew are way too artificially dressed and overgroomed to the point of painting for the women, imo.

  9. I agree, domestic flights really suck.

    But international flights are pretty good, I flew with them from Sydney - Cairns - Nagoya (Japan).

    Considering that I paid almost AUD 400 less than other airlines, the service was as good as one would expect. Had to pay a little extra for food though.

    I guess that's why they advertise to be the No 1 budget airline in the world.

    Try flying one of those dodgy internationa budget airlines and you will see what I mean. They are really scary.

    Jetstar airplanes are relatively new and clean, always felt safe during the flight. Plus sometimes they may use Qantas airplanes too.

  10. THEY ARE BEYOND ****. I AM A FIRST OFFICER FOR VIRGIN AND ALSO FIND IT SCARY THAT SOME OF THERE CAPTAINS HAVE LESS EXPERIENCE THAN ME. I am 2nd in charge of an aircraft and have 4000 hours flying a Boeing 737 series. I know of about 40 CAPTAINS (thats in charge) that have 5000 hours. Thats really bad. I think that you need at least 7 or 8 thousand hrs to qualify as a captain. SCARY!!!. And our crew on Virgin (cabin crew) are paid more than Jetstar. I know that they are paid lower than any other airline because I have helped 2 people come over to Virgin. Also I find it really repulsive that some members of their crew have multi coloured hair. THEY ARE BEYOND A JOKE

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