
Does anyone believe that a man whose name is one letter different than the world's most wanted man?

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Can possibly be voted persident?




  1. I don't think the wording of your question suggests that the two men have anything in common.  I think what you're asking is if the rough similarity in names poses a marketting problem for Barack Obama.

    If they were both last names, it might, but since it's not Bin Laden Osama, probably not.

    But the campaign is robably conscious of this unfortunate coincidence.  That may be way Obama has taken to pronouncing Bin Laden's first name, "Oosama."

  2. Obama and Osama are completely different people. I definitely think it's possible for Obama to win the presidency. He's got my vote.

  3. Osse is exactly right.

    You missed the Republican talking points though.  You're supposed to make sure and always use his middle name, Hussein, when you're trying to scare Americans.

  4. Hitlery or Osama.   Hillary has the nomination all but sewed up.  Perhaps Obama may make VP.  I personally don't want to vote for anyone based on race or s*x and that is the only qualification for either of them and definitely both of those choices would be disasaters.

  5. You mean BUSH and BUST?

  6. Not quite sure what you mean by that but yeah I'm sure is possible.

  7. Nope.

    Not that it has anything at all to do with his name.

  8. If you're talking about Mr. Obama, I think his greatest concern is being a black man in a country which is largely prejudiced against non-whites.

  9. judging from the abbreviation of your name, it appears to me that you are the sort of non abstract thinker that would even have the juvenile notion to pose such a question as that.  The fact that our current president was appointed for a second term scares me enough to believe that their are enough people in this country like you, that something as trite and trivial as name approximation could in fact have some sort of impact on our future.  Learn to look at the real issues.

  10. As long as voters are half-way educated they should be able to determine the difference.  So I would say yes.

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