
Does anyone believe that covering your head keeps people from hearing your thoughts?

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I'm wondering if that's why we used to have to wear hats or scarves in church.(Except ...what about the men? They had to take theirs off!) . I do know that when I was in church(after the hat rule was dropped)..I was hearing other people's thoughts I would think something & then they'd say it out loud .(Or were they hearing MY thoughts?) If I had known that..I would have worn a tinfoil hat and told them to do the same.(It's like having lots of radio stations on at the same town)

(Yes...skeptics...I know what you're thinking right now! lol)




  1. Your just a sensitive.

  2. Have you ever checked out the AFDB (Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie)

    An Effective, Low-Cost Solution To Combating Mind-Control

    web site. It is great and has been around forever. Here is the link----

    I have always worn hats (not foil lined).  I have it on good advice that a wire (# 10 awg or bigger) clipped to the beanie and run down to a copper plate on the bottom of your shoe works even better.  It may even protect you from lightning also, not just alien mind probes.

    I have met a lot of people with tin foil lined hats in my life, you can usually see the talking to someone who is invisible.  Look for them in parks and in front of homeless shelters.

  3. I don't think a hat would do it, perhaps for some people.

    There was a time while at a meeting many of the people who were there their thoughts popped in my head....I think it's seeing their expressions and or actions. In church too that happens to me. Sometimes when spirits come to me, and usually they aren't communicating at that time, it was their personal thoughts to themselves, especially the times when I were asleep, they didn't know that I could see them and feel there thoughts at first, until they saw me actually reaching out to defend myself when they got to close, then they knew that I was sensitive, they then would either speak out loud or telepathy. But usually they didn't have any expression to see, perhaps it was their energy. when our energy makes contact with one another.

    Does that make sense?

  4. hats and heads; I am a Rasta- man, I wear my hat for  reasons, I will share some  with you...

    If I leave the house without it, I feel like I am naked.

    my hat keeps me grounded

    my hat indicates, I am a believer

    and it protect me from the bad energy, and this bad energy can be thoughts, so somehow I agree with you.

  5. Since your brain is already quite well covered by membranes, bone, flesh and hair I doubt a flimsy piece of material will make much difference.

    The trick to stop thoughts entering or leaving your brain is to keep those two openings on the side of your head firmly covered and also the larger hole on the front.

  6. If someone can really read minds, I doubt that will help.


  7. It's a satellite spying on all of us run by Major Leage Baseball. Just like on the Simpsons.

    I know you can hear my thoughts: Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

  8. It works best with tin foil hats :)

  9. oh thats cool, i think your telepathy is developing! start studying about it and practicing more!! good luck!

  10. you're excellent Dinnie lol

  11. It's normal.

    There is nothing wrong with you.

    Maybe you are tuning into your telepathic side.

    If you start to hear voices where  it is like a commentary about what you are doing in your day to day life.... then go and talk to a counsellor.

    There are still religions today that wear head coverings in the church.

  12. I don't know about that.  Covering my head keeps me from having a bad hair day though! lol ♥

  13. Now Deenie, that is a ridiculars thought.... Yes people can pick up on others thoughts, but blocking them from others by wearing something on your head...No i dont think

    LOL yes maybe if you wore tin foil on your head, but i cannt say i ever have, and if i did id be starting to get really worried about myself and others...

  14. Covering the head keeps the rain off.

    Wearing a head covering was also seen as a formal way of dressing.  Tie, coat, hat.

    Look at old pictures and every single man has a hat on.  It's funny how fashion changes.

    It's also popular (or required) in some religions as a sign of respect to God.

    Paranoid crackpots are told to put on their tinfoil hats to prevent aliens from reading their minds.  As such, many people will make fun of paranoid conspiracy theorists by telling them to stop drinking the Kool Aid or to put on their tinfoil hats.

  15. Some people have that notion. In my own opinion people who believes that way are suffering from "ostrich mentality". You know when an ostrich feels threatened it hides its head inside a hole in the ground, thinking perhaps that since it cannot see anything, no one will also see it. Thoughts cannot be hidden by covering your head. Once they are conveyed, they fly outside of our head, regardless if our head is covered or not.

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