
Does anyone believe that philosophy helps?

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for the last 2 years of being at my school i have been going to P4C which is philosophy for children or community (I'm 15 btw) and recently i have found that i look at things in many different ways, i think outside the box now and i just feel it has changed me, does anyone else agree?




  1. Absolutely. Especially, being just 15. The world, this life... is an endless maze of open doors. I don't mean to belittle you in any way... but, as you get older you'll find that your capacity for grasping concepts will increase. The more you learn... the more you don't know.

    Literature, view points, life experience and religion are endless in possibilities.

    I'm proud of you. Never stop Questioning!

  2. good morninis sister laura

    great question

    1 philosophical knowledge is great if a person apply it in life in a practical way,i think you had appy it in your life and had feel the changes in your life,keep it up.

    2 if you not apply the philosophical knowledge in your life and just read it and c**p it ,than it is just like a dust in the mind.

    3 philosophy teaches how a person should live his life to the best,what is purpose of human deals with varous humans problems and provide possbile solutions to those problems.

    4 indian philosophy is pessimistic,it see world as full of misery,*** buddha see it but it end it optisam it provide possible soultions to all humans problems.

    5 you should apply your philosophical knowledge in your life,than you will get sucess in every sphere of your life and will be happy person

    6 can philosophical knowledge could make a person happy?

    there are many humans,who had not any kind of knowledge of philosophy and they remain happy all the time,funny by nature,do many times ignorance is also benefical.

    7 i am a philosophy student ,i tries my best to apply the great philosophical knowledge in my life but i find it very diffcul to appy.

    in indian philosophy anger is considered as evil and i get anger very easily,so we should apply knowledge in our practical life otherwise it is useless.

    " how much Holy words you read,how much Holy words to listen,what is the benefit if you not apply them in your life"


    8 so my sister,apply your knowledge in practical life,you will see than many changes in your life,you will became a nice human beings

    god bless you sister and will give you power,beauty and knowledge

    all the best for the future

  3. Yes. In my opinion you are right. So I agree.

  4. Philosophy is the 'Love of Thought'

    Loving to think helps.   Thinking well, helps more.

    JFTR Atlas Shrugged is a great book.  If you understand that group interest arises from the more fundamental self interest the world will make perfect sense.  

    The greatest enemy to your enlightenment is the belief you are enlightened.  Good luck.

  5. glad you felt that way and seen it that way, philosophy has just changed my perspective about life totally and really is the reason why i can still philosophize why i need to continue living.

  6. Only the philosophy that places your own rational self interest ahead of all else helps.  all others are about self immolation or self sacrifice, which is the root of our trouble.  Read "Atlas Shrugged!"

  7. The aim of philosophy, as I see it, is to enhance understanding.  This is not necessarily the same as providing help - which, for example, might be the aim of psychiatry.  So much of philosophy is theoretical that a person cannot look to it as a guide to living effectively.  But exposure to theories that lead a person to (as you put it) "think outside the box" is of inestimable value.  Does it help?  Of course.  You have been changed for the better.

  8. I agree.  It opens up your mind

    to possibilities.  You view the

    glass as not just full or empty,

    but what else is there.

  9. You're absolutely right. Without reasoning alternatives,  we  can resemble robots.

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