
Does anyone believe that quija boards have real power?

by Guest11032  |  earlier

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Does anyone believe that quija boards have real power?




  1. many years ago I did a quija session with my granny and nothing came true so no its bollocks

  2. Ouija boards and tarot cards are  dangerous business  and serious problem often if not always results .

  3. they do budd do not ever use one tho as they are verry dangerous  i used one when i was younger  and was blown through a wall then second time was thrown down stairs

  4. Honestly I have three Ouija Boards and have tried several times to make it work. Being a paranormal Investigator it is important to me to look at everything objectively and open minded. When a few of my team and I tried we agreed it was for research and in order to see if this board had any powers. several attempts all failed.

    I have talked to some who swear by it's powers and some who say it isn't the board alone but also those who are in tune with it's powers. I have a meeting next week to show me the powers for my research whereas this person agreed to be blindfolded and would answer every question correctly.

    So I am still open to see what comes from this.

  5. Does anybody believe the Keebler Elves are kept in chains and whipped by Oompa Loompas to make cookies?

    (Watch out for Snozzwangers, Hornswogglers, and wicked Whangdoodles)

  6. it all depends on what size engine you use

  7. I wouldn't s***w around with it.Your opening a door and inviting unseen entitys to come out and play and some times they don't wanna go back

  8. Of course ouija boards have real power, especially if raised to a great height and dropped on a psychic's head (afterwards, the psychic will claim to have had a message from the other world).

    If you don't believe this, try it for yourself.  It is a verifiable and repeatable experiment.


  9. Ouija board questions are asked at least a few times a week here.

    The answer remains the same: it is a board game that you can buy at Toys R Us. It works on the ideomotor effect (see link) and there is nothing supernatural about it. If you use a Ouija board blindfolded, all you get is nonsense. You can't conjure spirits with them or talk to the dead, despite what the Toys R Us advertisement may tell you (see the link). However, the Toys R Us board is glow-in-the-dark, and I suppose that counts for something :)

  10. they only have the power that u give them other then that there harmless

  11. The spiritual realm is very real and powerful, & can be very dangerous. "playing" with this dangerous game can be life and spiritually damaging. Stay away from this game! It's one of the devil's way to come into your life, don't open that door! It's not "what you make it out to be" type of game. Play UNO or something else! C'mon!

  12. Only the very silly.

  13. I have done about 10 of these, and the very first time i didn't believe in them or the 'Power' of them, but  seriously i have been converted since my first time.

    Every time i have done it with friends and sometimes its doubtful what is happening is actually some 'powerful being' but i have had times where the glass had moved itself and flown off the board, i was also told things through the board that NO ONE knew about in the group.

    Try one, be respectful, and enjoy the experience.

  14. I do because my niece had a very sad experience with the board.Her best friend was playing with the board ;she asked a question about her life ;the board's reply was that she was going to be killed with a knife that same night ;the girl left the house to go back home ;she was killed by a stranger at the Long Island station with a knife to her back for no apparent reason.I heard of other sad stories but this one was too close to home for comfort I forbade my children from playing with the board.My conclusion is that if you believe that the board has powers ; the entities of the air will convict you .I am a deeply spiritual person I also believe in the power of healing;but that's another story all together.

    The lesson is pretty simple : people should not explore spiritual realms and  territories which deal with the occult.There are many things out there that we dont  know.

  15. I do! It may sound crazy but many years ago I just bought a quija board and had it for a week before throwing it out.

    It was so crazy. It would answer things from the past that no one even knew. I then had visions at night. I got rid of it before it took over my life completely. Scary.......

  16. In and of themselves, no. The power of the Ouija board is it makes communicating with the dead into a childrens game.

    Communication with the dead is strickly fobidden by God, and is considered a sin. God knows that communication with the dead is impossible, however, attempting to do so will invite demons to pretend to be what we are looking for.

    Because of this sin, it seperates us from God, and makes us vulnerable to demonic attack. The farther we get from God, the more you will attract demons.

  17. Yes - - - many, many, folks believe in powers attributed to this 'divining' tool . . . similar to the powers 'manifested' by 'divining rods' used to locate water underground. My vote would go with the rod, rather than the board . . . but, to each their own.

  18. Ouija boards have as much powers as anything else massed produced for civilian recreation. It's stylus is as symbolic as Tony the Tiger is for Kellogg. It sparks all kinds of urban legends  that just further mystify it in the eyes of people, but the boards themselves hold no power. It's the ideas and beliefs that surround the boards that are the real power.

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