
Does anyone believe the Russian attack on Georgia is there way to lure The U.S. into war ??

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Does anyone believe the Russian attack on Georgia is there way to lure The U.S. into war ??




  1. No.  Let russia take care of it's own back yard.

  2. No, it has nothing to do with us!  

  3. as the first guy said. it has nothing to do with us.  

  4. On the contrary.  This guy Putin (former KGB official and still is in his heart) picked the right time to start a conflict.  He knows that US has its troops spread too thin and can do little if anything to help Georgia.  He also knows that the US is broke and could not financially sustain another war.  The US will bellow about the fighting but do nothing.  I blame Bush for getting this country into a position whereby we cannot retaliate when we have to.  No army. No money. Inadequate weaponry for fighting anything more than a skirmish. Bush is a moron and the next president will have to pull troops out of Iraq ASAP and reform the Army.  The Navy and Air Force are OK. At this moment in time we couldn't fight Iceland and win.  

  5. No, not yet.  

  6. No. That was what Georgia was planning by attacking South Ossetia.

  7. most proberly...although the russians have **** foot soldiers so britian and america will just slice through them like a knife on butter. although the russians are known for their airforce.

  8. Don't attack us. Were peaceful people...

    Besides, I live in georgia..

    So dont,

  9. No, Russia does not want a war with the U.S.  

  10. No, I'm pretty sure it was a counter attack to the Georgian assault on South Ossetia, killing many civilians and legally stationed Russian peacekeepers.  

  11. America will only go to war if threatened or for gain....

    In this situation.....NO WAY !

  12. No; maintaining the status quo requires more than one superpower. Read George Orwell's book '1984' to get the big picture.

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