
Does anyone believe there's life in other galaxies and on other planets and moons?

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Ever since I became a devout science fiction fan, I've believed in life on other planets and moons and in galaxies close to and farther away from the Milky Way. I know it sounds childish, but I believe the extraterrestrials I read about in my science fiction books are real. Is there anything wrong with that?




  1. Of course there's life on other planets/galaxies/stars/etc.!!! People who think not are STUPID!!! (no offense)  I'm very very very certain of that.  Otherwise it would be a great waste of space as we always say.

  2. no there is nothing wrong with that  if thats what your interested in, there so many galaxies i also believe that there has to be something out there.

  3. There is virtually no way life exists on other moons.  Moons do not have the ability to sustain life. there is life on other planets though, no doubt about that.  And yes, that would mean there's life in other galaxies.

  4. the ETs you think are not real.But possibility of life forms on otrher bodies in the universe is very high. Millions of stars where several life forming molecules were identified.

  5. do i believe in ET? that's like asking the pope if he believes in god.

    of course i do.i know they are out there in the universe.the cosmos is to big for life to have arisen on just earth,there are countless worlds out there there has to be life.or it would be an awful waste of space.but how do we go about and prove there existence.well there's a team known as SETI and there's a website you can go to and its really cool.what they are doing now is scanning the sky for radio emissions from ET.

  6. You can THINK of the characters you read about as real. Nothing WRONG with that. But, as you believe, so ye shall travel. It is not entirely impossible that life exists somewhere else in the universe.Not the kind of intelligent life we might think of here on earth, but SOME form of life may exist elsewhere.

    The problem in thinking of other life in other places is "What does that do to your judgment and how does it affect the other parts of your life.

    If life exists somewhere else in the universe, and you DEEPLY believe that, HOW will that belief cause you think about things on this planet when all the while you are waiting for someone to call you and tell you how things are in THEIR part of the universe. If elected president, how much of our national buget will you commit to the SETI

    program JUST to satify your misguided belief?

  7. Its useless for us  even to think about it

    Even if they exist there is nothing to do with us

    If they cannot reach Earth for the past millions of years how can they reach Earth now

  8. Statistically speaking it's pretty much a certainty that there is life on other planets. The only actual questions that needs to be asked/answers are "what will it look like" and "will we ever find it".

    Life began on Earth almost as soon as it was possible for life to begin, and it exists everywhere on Earth that it is possible for life to exist. It also exists in many places that we previously thought that it couldn't possibly exist such as around thermal vents in the ocean and inside rocks in Alaska.

    Given the number of planets that there are it is certain that there will be countless worlds with conditions "similar" where the building blocks of life exist, and it is certain that where life can exist it will exist given enough time.

  9. I think that anyone who doesn't believe in life on other planets are deceiving themselves. We are probably the primitive ones.

  10. There might be life, but things get doubtful when you start to consider that life being more than an alien bacteria or something.

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