
Does anyone belive the theory that the world will end in 2012?

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i do not know if i do but the way the world is now i am beliving it more and more. I think since almost everyone belives that, they are going 2 make the world end. what are your thoughts?




  1. not at all.

    and I definitely don't think the people that believe it have the smarts OR the power to cause the world to end either.

    sorry rainbowcanyon but passwords need usernames and why should we believe you have access into a govt site?

    don't you think they're smart enough to change the password since you blurted it out loud on the internet they created?

    oh, yeah, but they're trying to hide everything...........

    u makes touns of cents too mee

  2. no!!

  3. I think some people sure believe that the world will end in 2012. Some people also believed that the world ends in 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, ...

    There are two things which are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, but I am not sure on the universe....

  4. no ma'am, only god knows when.

  5. I don't believe it and there is no scientific support for it.  It is just another phony doomsday prediction.  There have been 2 that we have gone past in the past eight years.  It was supposed to happen at the millennium and in 2003, when the mythical Planet X/Niburu was to hit us.  Undaunted by its failure to show up, the hoaxers just moved it out to 2012.

  6. idkk

    but erybdy keeps saying it

    and ppl do say mind over matter

    so idkk

    and techers are makin kids believe that too

    at my school so idkk

    and like there proof that ppl way way way back in the old days they had predicted that year too

    and the mayans or whatever

  7. Where did you get the stupid thought, that "almost everyone" believes it?

    Did you even bother to search for "2012" here on Y!A?

  8. no one of consequence believes any of the Doomsday hoaxes.

    They aren't just refutable.  They are ludicrous.

    People won't even post (like YOU) any specific theory anymore, due to the immediate response debunking it.

    so, they say "I am not sure about 2012, is anyone else?"


  9. No....It's rubbish!!!!

  10. Yes, definite troll job.

  11. no lol highly likely no.

  12. the way i see it is if you are talking about the theory of the planets aligning and causing havoc on earth let me explain;

    ok the "scientists" say that this event happens once evry 26000 years so if this were true that it would cause havic wouldnt the earth have ended thousands of times already..

    the mayan theory is simply that there calender started on december 21st and they made there calender end on december 21st 2012 nothing will happen .

    these are my thoughts and the opinions of some of my physicist friends at a university in jolly old england!!

  13. Yes, unfortunately, lots of people do. There is no reason to think that they're right, of course, so they're in a tizzy over nothing at all. Remember when the world as we know it was going to end in 2000? Same thing.

  14. well, if it was true, i might start looking into buying myself a nice crack pipe........ jk........ ( or am I )

  15. No, I do not believe it.

  16. To be precise, it's Oct. 26, 2012 at 3:15 pm Eastern Standard Time. This has been proven by over 25 professors of mathematics. None of these professors has ever been wrong on any subject. The government is trying to hide this from you and us, but if you go to the US Government official website, and enter the password "abraxis" you will see the proof that they cannot hide.

  17. Find out the man who delver this theory & Hung him for this madness theory.

  18. that's not a theory, it's not even a wild-assed guess. it's bullshit.

  19. Everyone said we were going to die in 666, but we never did.... hmmm.

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