
Does anyone blog?

by  |  earlier

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where do you blog - on certain websites? myspace? what do u blog about and how often




  1. i use to blog on 360. i used it to keep my mind working with languages, so i blogged about silly topics with the vocab i was learning. also, i gave mini lessons for each language. however, i got rid of 360. before that i blogged on livejournal about daily things, then about disappointments, which i just focused on then every entry had that theme regardless of what was going on in my life. more and more it became distant from me. i did that twice a week for 2 years, but i stopped that too. i just started up 360 again, but now i hear that it's going to close, so it's really a waste to blog. i'll probably just do the language thing as well as think of thought experiments, akin to plato and lucretius, but obviously not to their level.

  2. I have two blogs. One is more personal and one is about literature and music ( ;) You should blog, it's great fun. I read a lot of blogs as well. You can learn a lot from it ;) Blogger/blogspot is good, but I've also heard of Livejournal etc...

  3. no i dont

  4. Blogging is like trying to drag a hippo out of a mud bath.  There has to be a good reason for the hippo to come out.  When he does he shares the mud with everyone!  That's how I view it.  On my Yahoo!360 blog I write mostly about basketball and use that as a lead in to current events.  I also like it because it allows me to post a picture for each entry.
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