
Does anyone by VHS anymore?

by  |  earlier

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Over the years I have accumulated hundreds of video tapes.

When I was at uni I went through a phase of buying videos, especially when DVDs first coming out and videos were cheap.

Now I want to sell most of my videos, but will anyone buy them?




  1. Yes but you wont' get much. Lots of fleamarket stalls still sell them, which means they obviously buy them off people like you, but they're selling for at most £2 so you won't get much.

    LATER: Like the person below says, if you're not bothered about money give them to a charity shop ,that's easiest. That's what I do with mine, even Buffy boxsets (they might get a fiver for them). I'd buy a tape from there if it was cheap and something I fancied but not enough to buy on DVD (or couldn't find on DVD).

  2. Well, if you're not looking for any money, then you could join a freecycle group and put them on there?

    Or you could put them in groups on ebay and set the postage thing to "collection only" (because postage for hundreds of videos is probably more than most people would want to pay!) and set a buy it now/best offer price on it, and see how much people offer you?

    Here's the address for Freecycle:  =)

  3. I go to garage sales and buy them all the time. $1 for an awesome movie is worth it. So maybe someone will buy them.

  4. have a dvd/vcr in one and am always buying dvds and vhs aswell as making both and burning them using dvd/vcr love movies that much  

  5. How about giving them to a charity shop I know you won't get any money but It feels good to donate things and I still buy them from there.  

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