
Does anyone can tell me any activities to support gross motor skills in a child under 1 year?

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Does anyone can tell me any activities to support gross motor skills in a child under 1 year?




  1. Under 1:

    Opportunities for crawling, beginning to walk-placing toys a little bit out of reach...encourging child to stretch or move to reach it...with lots of praise and smiles! Obviously if child is getting upset you'd move it closer!

    Walkers and bouncer chairs

    Singing action songs together with adult holding child's hands, feet encouraging moves(dependent on age). Also adult shadow child's self made movements-part of creativity.

    Ping pong size balls, pasta, large beads etcand containers...although tecnically the finger movements are fine manipulative it encourages wrist actions, moving the arm-stretching for example.

    Swimming-but that depends on safety issues.

    Basically with under 1's anything that is encourgaing self movement and even guided movements of the arms, legs, body, neck (safely) is gross motor!

  2. Please a mother and toddler group they worked wonders for me as i have four children


  4. in all the works that u do at give a chance for the kid also to do ,like,if u r in the kitchen give the kid a tomato  or dough to squeeze ,when u fold the clothes give one to him/her to play with ,dance with the tot,run play and do things with enthu and with ur full participation to encourage the god given gift.

  5. Walkers, playing row, row, row your boat, holding their ifngers and helping thme walk, treasure baskets, sitting them in a bumbo and letting them reach toys

  6. gross motor skills happen from an infants head to their feet in a progressive manner.

    you need to make sure they have lots of "tummy time" to learn how their body works and to strengthen it and eventually add toys to encourage forward movement and to have fun, offer them toys that move and and will move when they touch them, and be sure to offer toys of various sizes and shapes.

    play music and "dance" with them, and have them watch you and eventually "dance" on their own.sing to them and use lots of movements(try "head,and shoulders, knees, and toes" touching each named body part as you say it and then us your childs body to do the movements, eventually allowing them to do the movements)

    if you need more ideas ck with your local recreation department they often have mommy and me classes to give you more ideas, also try your local library for books to give you more ideas

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