
Does anyone care about rugby with crowds of 8,000 people id guess not?

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Does anyone care about rugby with crowds of 8,000 people id guess not?




  1. Forky,

    Here in the USA, back in the 90's, ARL was on the tele after the footy. I used to watch it, it was something to watch in the afternoon.

    Not as interesting as footy, of course. A gridiron mate of mine from University is the chairman of youth rugby in Florida. When in Melbourne, I got him a Wallabies jumper and on layover in Auckland, got him an All Blacks jumper.

    He is named Moe, also got him a Moe FC shirt from Gippsland.

    Crowds for ARL, must be finding their way to the SCG and the Gabba for footy?

  2. No Forky not all .  Its one of,.. no sorry...make that the most boring team game I have ever come across.     Their  players/ gorilla's have to put the ball on the ground to kick , the same way my 2 yo grandson, is currently learning to kick.   If anyone can name anything "spectacular" about the game, I will stand corrected.  I have never harbored much interest in coathangers  in sport, and with only 2 states in the country playing it, and one team in another, I just  think "as a sport,"its a load of BULL and a STORM in a tea cup, played by mugs, but I suppose, at the very least they TRY!

  3. rugby is not as good as afl

  4. The A- League gets better crowds than they do, I do have a confession though I hate League but I enjoy watching Union, am I kicked out of AFL for that, lol.

  5. I care about the Rugby and never miss a home game GO STORM.I guess it is not every-ones cup of tea, so to speak ,but i also think that down here in Melbourne there is a lot of competition with the AFL.and people do not like change i was raised with Rugby League but made the effort to learn about AFL when i arrived in Melbourne something that most Melburnians  are not game to do.

    I still follow The AFL but found the cost of taking the kids to a game and the behavior of the crouds was getting too much. Give me a Game of Rugby, union or league any day over the Footy

  6. I think 8,000 is a bit generous. Russell Crowe could only dream of crowds that big.

  7. I know they doctor the crowds at the Raiders games because they are so poor - your included in the crowd figures if you are driving with 5klm of the ground.

    Rugby League is dying game - A League soccer has overtaken it, parents are not allowing their kids to play. It's becoming very much jus playedin the western suburbs of Sydney. Over the next few years the sponsors will pull out and once they lose their TV coverage, the game will pretty much be over.

  8. Plenty of people care about rugby league. The yobos spoil it for everyone when their team looses. Go the SHARKS

  9. Its an embarresment!

    Even Melbourne Victory soccer club get 10,000 + crowds INTERSTATE!!

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