
Does anyone care? just wondering...would you care if i died??

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and nobody in my circle of family/friends seems to care how I feel and it's hard for me too show my real feelings. One day some stranger did something for me that made me realize somebody out there cares. But now i'm not sure again. And I wanna die. Don't tell me to see a counselor cuz I won't. But i'm just wondering, DOES ANYONE CARE HOW ANYBODY ELSE FEELS??




  1. Only some people i'll have sympathy for. Depends on what happened in their life. If someone just gives up on life and they say how much they wanna die, i dont care. I know some people like that and i think its annoying.

  2. Well, whatever pet(s) you have probably would (I'm guessing you have at least one, since this is in the Pets section).  They need someone they're attached to to take care of them, and you need to think about their feelings.

  3. I care. And I would care if you die. Your 13, you've barely had time to experience the world and life itself. I don't think you want to die. You just want to know that you are cared about. You think that dieing would cause people to pay attention to you, trust me, I felt the same way. Trying to kill yourself only makes it worse; yes, people pay attention to you, but in all the wrong ways. The attention goes away after a while, but you are still watched by friends and family because they do care and they don't want to see that happen to you. Talk to your friends, be happy. You have so much life ahead of you, don't give up now because life is tough.

    Try to show how you really feel to the people your close to, and you'll see that they do  care very much about you.

    Please, be healthy and safe. I know if I could take back what I did, I would have as I hurt so many people around me. Don't make my mistake, have hope. You are loved.

  4. Don't worry, sometimes life is just like that. You should'nt want to keel yourself because there is probably a reason why you are on this planet, and not a microbe in another galaxy. Im sure your friends and family still love you. Just be yourself, and your will be appreciated.

  5. Why are you putting this question in the pets - rodents category??? And i'm sure your family members care about you. Because if they didn't, they'd send you the orphanage like ages ago. Just calm down and don't commit suicide. Sometimes i feel like i really wanna die but there's also a solution to everything! Sometimes i feel like nothings gonna work anymore. And yes i care about how my peers feel. And no, counselors are the solution to every psychological problem. And i also wouldn't advise people to see the couseler, it makes people more stressed out. Just relax and think about what good things your family has done to you. Ask your mom is she cares about you. I'm sure she'll say yes. Just remember one thing - dying isn't the solution. What's the point of living if you die so early??? What's the point of your surriving on earth? Think about the good parts of life. Think about the things you look forward to, think about something that will make you happy. Really, You need to relax yourself. Sometimes telling someone your problems can make a lot of difference. It can make you feel better. Tell a friend. Or even tell your pet... or your stuffed animal or even to thin air, it'll feel better. YOu should tell your mom.

    Hope this helps. =]

  6. Why would you want to die lol. Lifes great you just dont know how to use it. You tell everyone to suck your balls and that your gonna go make a life.

  7. Yes, I do and I know of alot of others that do. I'm sorry you feel that way, Maybe I can help? You can email me if you like. ^_^ It's Feel free to email me, I'd like to talk.

  8. yes!! there are plenty of people who do care. you need to talk with a friend or someone...please. good luck

  9. life is great. don't commit suicide.i care

  10. Maybe your Family Members Are A Little TOO Busy...Maybe You Could Try And Tell Them How U Feel...They Might Realise That They Are Neglecting You...It Also Could Be Your Hormones...I Am 13 As Well...I Also Tend To Feel Insecure But Dont Worry...Just Pray To God (HE Cares!) Every Dark Cloud Has A Silver Lining...You'll See!


    Hope You Get Better (See Now At Least Someone Cares (Me!)


  11. It would be chaos if you died, think of all the people it would affect. It would affect your family and friends, therefore affecting their family and friends, therefore affecting... you get the picture. Taking you own life is just as selfish and pathetic as taking someone else's. There'll always be someone who cares about you, even if it doesn't seem that way.

    I care.

  12. I personally wouldn't.

    Sorry, but you're some thirteen year old stranger- of course you feel like that, every single teeanger does at some point. NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS, NO-ONE CARES. No, they do. But you're too wrapped up in personal angst to care.

    If you want attention, try looking at friends and family, not online where people can bull **** you and don't really care what on earth you do.

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