
Does anyone care?

by Guest63803  |  earlier

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that Barry Obama is in bed with the Chinese?




  1. BO is in bed with anybody who can advance his career. That's fairly obvious. The Chinese are the least of our worries. Wait till he climbs in the sack with lunatics like Ahmadinejad  and Chavez.

  2. nope, the Bushes were in bed with A-rabs before they tried to s***w them...  (see Iraq vs. Iran war) .... they are personal friends qith Putin and with the Arab Emirate's Prince... blah blah blah... all politicians are like that...

  3. im a first born male so if the chinese take over atleast i dont have to worry about being left in a gutter or nethin

  4. He is?

  5. then i guess its a threesome with obama, the chinese president, and our own special president. because, trust me, he's been sleeping in that bed for a long time. Bush doesnt care about red, white or blue all he cares for is green $$.

  6. who's that? ._.

  7. The Chinese have donated MUCH more money to Republican campaigns over the last 30 years.  They were the biggest donor to GHW Bush's campaign, I believe, because he had been our ambassador there and had many personal and family business connections there.

    I agree that America politicians shouldn't be financed by foreign countries.  But why is it a problem only when Democrats do it?

  8. What in the name of God's backside are you talking about? This is a free country! Go fly a balloon!

  9. So?  They're fast on their way to being the world's biggest economy - ya d**n well better deal with 'em or you'll be left out in the cold. How would ya feel if y'woke up one morning soon to hear America being described as a Third World nation?  It's gonna happen if we don't get our heads out of our behind holes!

  10. I just care that Obama does NOT want the US to produce it's own oil.. and wants to keep us captives to foreign oil.

    Dr. NO (Obama) says NO to every attempt to attack the supply part of the problem.
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