
Does anyone care that the China's athletes were underaged?

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Doesn't it make there accomplishments more amazing since they are so young?




  1. Yup being young has more advantages

    it would be more amazing if somebody older than 25 or so gets medal

    like that one german lady

  2. No prove..

  3. Yes, I care.  There is an age rule. Every team has to play by the same rules. If they broke the rule then they cheated on a huge public stage.  The rule was created to protected young athletes from over training and the stress of international competition.

    I don't agree with your comment that the actions of young athletes are amazing because they are young.

  4. Yep, but I want them to get dq in the event where they swing on bars, then a GBR girl would get a medal!

  5. Yes I care! Cheating is cheating, I don't care how talented the athlete is.

    The 16-year-old rule is in effect in gymnastics so as to not to damage the immature bodies of younger athletes.

    If these gymnasts are 12 or 13, the risk doing serious damage to their bones because of the stress they put on their bodies during the routines.

  6. yea, i kinda do. Alicia Sacramone is Hot! I think she shoulda got better points just for that! by the way befor y'all freak out I'm only twenty years old. seriously.

  7. Only in the fact that there is an age limit and they would not have played by the rules if it is proven they were underage.

  8. no it doesnt make them better. Its cheating for the gymnastics you are more limber as a 12 or 13 year old. China had to cheat to win how sad.

    I say just get rid of the age limitation and let the best of all countries compete though.

    But it was a unfair advantage.

  9. In this Olympic,one Germany gymnast won gold medal ,she is a mother and 33 yrs old, so who care about ages, and in IOC official did not say they are under age,don't judge some one by your own mind plz,

  10. Nope.

  11. they were not underage

  12. Yes. China will never be part of modern civilization if they think they are allowed to only follow those rules of behavior that they want to.

  13. I honestly could care less about their age.... if the US girls team couldnt beat 12 or 13 year olds.... then maybe they shouldnt be there or should work harder. If they are only 12 or 13 and can compete up to par... for all means! allow them to participate. Sure, its a disappointment to the US, but if were not able to beat them, china, at such a young age, then we, the us, shouldve won, but we werent able to do so.

  14. Regardless of thier accomplishments, that's not what the Olympics is about, or ever was about. They have rules for a reason, adn you should follow them, that's what the spirit of the Olympics is supposed to be like.  

  15. I don't

  16. Not in gymnastics. The greatest Olympic gymnastics performance ever was by 14 year old Nadia Comaneci. It's easier for smaller, younger people.

    The truly amazing accomplishment was the 33 year old mother who won the vault silver.

  17. I DO care.

    Not because they won the gold medal.  I care because it's cheating.

    The Chinese gymnasts did outperform the American gymnasts.  But if they cheated to win those gold medals, then they don't deserve to keep them.  Plain and simple.

    If they are underage, then they were ineligible to compete.  Therefore, they should not have competed.

    Gymnastics are easier for younger girls because they have less body mass and, bluntly stated, no b***s or butts (yet) to throw their balance off.  So it IS an unfair advantage to use girls who are younger than the other competitors.

  18. There are no proof that chinese gymnasts are underage. Americans are whiners and are good at manipulate things for their benefits. Look at Iraq. Where the h**l is the WMD. Look at your sub prime mess. You guys are the real liars  

  19. You don't know anything about gymnastics and Olympics, do you? There are rules against it. It's not a question of whether they are better or not.

    Will you be singing the same tune if for example, the US start sending 12 & 13 year olds?

    The athletes who take steriods will be better than steroids-free athletes. Does that mean they really are better? No. That is cheating. They do not cheat to lose. They cheat to win.

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