
Does anyone collect skeletons of dead animals?

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Does anyone collect skeletons of dead animals?




  1. There is a specialty in archaeology which is called 'zooarchaeology' or 'archaeological zoology'.  Zooarchaeologists focus on animal bones found in archaeological sites to learn about past diet, butchery practices, etc. In order to be able to identify the species and element of bones found in sites, zooarchaeologists have to compare them to contemporary examples.  Hence, they frequently collect bones from modern animals for comparitive purposes.  

    I began my archaeology career in this specialty, and did help put together a comparitive collection for the University I was attending in the mid-80s. In other words, I used to do this.

  2. I don't really collect them, but one time I found a cow skull hanging in a tree in the woods and I brought it home, cleaned it, and kept it. I was gonna paint it, but never got a round to it.

  3. not an interest of mine.

  4. I do have some bones of wild cats that my great-grandpa use to collect and I have some old Ivory aswell.

  5. i would never  do this unless you are doing it for an experiment or something scientific. Poor animals.

  6. Nope, saw it on Dirty Jobs though, pretty sweet!

  7. Yes, they have these places called Museums.

    Also school biology labs.

    and a few other places.

    Some one else mentioned Taxidermist, they generally collect skin not bones, althougth the head is used sometimes.

  8. Er!!!!

  9. Taxidermists and archaeologists would have large collections, I'm sure.

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