
Does anyone deserve to have bad things happen to them?

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Does anyone deserve to have bad things happen to them?




  1. I believe everyone deserves the consequences to their actions.  Killers, rapists, child molesters, theives, ect.  If you do bad things, you deserve what's coming to you.

  2. simply put...what goes around comes around.  Look at the difference between Adolf Hitler, and Mother Theresa.  Then again, why do bad things happen to good people?

  3. Karma isnt wrong

  4. no-one deserves to have anything bad happen to them, no matter what nastiness they have given out to others

  5. of course, if they have been bad to the rest of the world, xxxx

  6. No.  Neither does anyone have the right to do bad things to other people.

  7. Yes - Criminals deserve very bad things happening to them.

  8. well if the person commited a crime then yes he should be punished but no one DESERVES bad things to happen to them ....things always happen as a consiquence of some action or saying done in the past

  9. What goes round comes round.

  10. No nobody does deserve that, but if you do something bad to people then you must expect it to come back to you. As they say what goes around comes around

  11. Why is this in Anthropology? Shouldn't it be in philosophy?

  12. I think the adage"what goes round.........."(cannot even bring myself to type it).  Basically it is 'bull tongue' - I have had many situations thrown at me in life trust me I have (many of which) I thought were uncalled for - I have not wronged to the volume of my experiences (of which are many) - so what I say is you have to go through it to come out of it and things happen because of fate - simple as that - hard to understand or accept but that is all bad things happen for biggest per centage of the time anyways.

    Some people have to go through the experience to be a better person, others go through it for others to learn from - the question is do we indeed learn?

  13. yes all the people on her who have gone and got me violations because they didn't like my question or answer

  14. Not all consequences are deserved. It all depends on the situation. I believe in Karma or natural consequences. I'm not talking about people taking it upon themselves to make someone pay for their shortcomings.That's not natural, it's man made. Nobody really deserves to have bad things happen to them.

    For example:

    If you cheat on your spouse, the consequences can be that they leave you.The trust is lost and they can't stay with you any longer.Those are the natural consequences of your actions. Now,if your spouse completely takes you to the cleaners during the divorce,that is not natural consequences for your actions,it's her revenge.Just because you cheated, does not mean that you deserve being taken to the cleaners for everything you've got. This is what I mean by not every bad thing that happens to people is well deserved.

  15. no

  16. sometimes, i was very stressed when i had bus accident (before it happen )

  17. Does anyone deserve for only good things to happen to them?

  18. I am a strong believer in "What goes around, comes around" and hopefully when it comes around it will bite the other person in the ***!!!!!!!!!

  19. We seem to have a universal need to believe in just consequences, that good things will happen to those who do good and/or bad things will happen to those who do bad. We try to create societies that can provide this justice with varying degrees of success.

    Even if we reject the notion of punishment (most people do not), the question comes up as to how to maintain the social order and prevent people from doing bad things. It is not a simple either/or question.

  20. You ask this as if life were a court room; able to balance fair and unfair.  It isn't.  Often times bad things happen to good people just because.  

    Life is what we make of it.

  21. No. Nobody deserves anything bad but we all get it. Thats life I guess. x

  22. I am certain there are people who "have it coming" due to their actions and some will even get "what they deserve", still others will continue on and never truly "pay" for the price for their actions. But there are also a huge bloody lot of people who are decent and good and still will have bad things happen to them, so I am not sure there is any method to the madness. Just this crazy random universe, I'm afraid.

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