
Does anyone else HATE mikey? BB9 UK?

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arrrghh hes like a fried rat :@ hes so flippin annoying! and uses his disablility to his advantage in order to get attension, but i did feel abit sorry for him when it was the thriller dance.

but yeah...hes juts hideous:L

what do you think?




  1. no i dont hate him i thought he was awesome when he told nicole she was a stuck up cow AHAHA


    and nah i really dnt think he uses his diasability to his advantage  

  2. He is a disgusting revolting perv.

  3. he makes me feel sik

  4. certainly   dont    want     mikey     to    win .     he    is     clever     though    now    that    hes     starting     to     play    the     game    

    hes     having    a   pop    at     nicole    so     she    can     walk    hoping    rex     will     walk    too     (he  wont )    

    why    now     does   he    want   to  do    this    task      when     he   couldnt   be    bothererd     to    do   any    other    task   .       he   is   causing    trouble     with    rex      to     make   himself     look    like   the    innocent    one    (  hes   sly )    next     week    he    will    ****   on    rach .   who    has    looked    after    him.          hes    also    2   faced       he    talks    about    everyone    behind   there    back  ,  

       giving    mo    that    bogey    makes     him    as    bad   as    mo

  5. No. Ok he has bad eating habits and shouts a bit but I don't think he uses his disability to get attention. He was more than willing to muck and wanted to treated like an able bodied person. I respect him for that.  Nicole and Rex did not give him a chance. What is the point of saying "just follow Nicole" or "now face over there" what kind of choregraphy is that. He seemed to pick it up when Rachel talked him through the moves.  

    I loved the way he told Nicole what he thought of her.

  6. I cannot say I hate him as he makes me laugh at times, but some of his habits do revolt me!

  7. please explain if you can , how does mikey use his disability to his advantage ?.   by the way its disability not disablility .,,, shallow .,,,,  

  8. I hated him until tonight when he told that Nicole about herself.

    That was so funny.

    Don't want him to win though.

  9. I dont HATE him cos I dont know the real him so you know... This BB is boring cos its like they are all game playing!

  10. he gives me the creeps

  11. Yeah, but after tonight I sort of like him, maybe likes a too strong a word, lets just say I don'tdespise him as much as I did! lol

  12. Mikey rocks, you have to love how he stands up to Rex & Nicole..

    LOL @ last night..Mikey to Nicole : 'You're up your own ar5e a wee bit, yeah'

    Haha I could have given him a hug for that lmao, just what I was thinking! GET HER OUT!

    But yeah, I'd still like Mikey just as much if he wasn't blind..He's hilarious and about the only genuine person in the house!

    MIKEY 2 WIN BB9!!


  13. He is a revolting cretin.

  14. i completely agree with u, i really really dont like him, and i also believe he uses his disability when it suits him.

    by the way, although i hate nicole, i actually like rex, even tho everyone else hates him. and why is it that if rex said some of the stuff mikey says, to mikey, everyone would slag rex off and hate him even more. but mike speaks to rex just as badly, him being blind shouldnt be used to his advantage in these cases.

  15. He is vomit inducing and he looks like a boiled owl.

  16. He deserves to win.   Either him or Lisa.  I hope there's a surgeon out there who can put his eyes right.

  17. Apart from his disgusting 'table manners' and his pervy ways  I do quite like Mikey he's not afraid to speak up for himself and says it like it is.  His Diary Room rants are quite funny to. However I don't particularly want him to win though.  

  18. I think he is a very nasty man ,hes proved that right from the beginning him and Lisa ,have been instrumental in seeing all their group go out of the house ,by whispering and back stabbing how people forget ,Hes not funny hes creepy ,and is quite cutting with people who try to help him ,Mario was condescending to him all the time ,but he didn't tell him off did he ,he only as a go at people he doesn't like ,I will never forget how he went for Belinda Belinda ,She was so mortified ,and he showed her up, the woman was daft but harmless ,BB  badly want him to win .,Mind I will add he was justified in having a go at Rex and Nicole ,But then Nicole is nasty to everybody not just him

  19. I Totally disagree.

    How can you use the word hate?

    I quiet like him, people in the house take advantage of him

    because he is blind. when really he is very intelligent, and smart.

    Rex treats him like ****.

    And his ugly horse head girlfriend, She's so ******* UGLY!

  20. I really don’t like Mikey BUT I have to say he’s growing on me a tiny bit. I think it was brilliant the way he stood up to Nicole last night and everything he said was right. Plus I agree with what he was saying in the diary room about the task. He should try it if he wants to, so what if he can’t do it properly, BB are hardly gonna fail them for a blind man not being able to pick the dance moves up properly!!

  21. No! Mikey is by far the most entertaining housemate in there.

    Mikey to win.

  22. I like Mikey, he stands up for himself, and is really funny. Mo is more disgusting for eating bogies than anything Mikey's done. People should give the guy a break!

  23. He's got the manners of a hog at a trough & he dowses his danglers with a plastic cup but at least he speaks his mind & doesn't let the b@stards grind him down

  24. Nah I think he seems pretty cool. He definately doesn't use his disability to get attention. The only time it gets mentioned is when people ask him questions about it and when hes unable to do a task because it involves sight. He doesn't like people talking about that anyway. If anything he tries to be normal and try to be as able as anybody else in the house which is a good thing. In the thriller task he's really trying to be a part of the task and wants to learn how to dance. I think you saying he 'uses his disability to his advantage in order to get attention' is completely wrong. You obviously don't pay much attention when watching the show :S

    I think hes really funny and inteligent and doesn't care what people think of him. He also speaks his mind and isn't affraid to stand up to Rex.

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