
Does anyone else HATE their spouse after spending that extra day with them?

by  |  earlier

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I don't think I can handle another minute in the same house with him. I'm ready to punch him in the face. We were cool pretty much through half of yesterday but this whole extra day off thing is getting old:( I seriously came into my office to get stuff done at 9:00PM ON LABOR DAY!!! (clearly I'm not getting much done)

My question is.....Is anyone else feeling the same way, or is MY husband just that much more annoying then everyone else's?

He's being whiney, and he has a stupid cold, I just seriously can't stand him right now. Anyone else?




  1. Honesty Rules!! - Nope never had that problem. I guess cause I love my husband. You need to grow up. Or ship out.

  2. I think its normal to feel like that sometimes, although hate is kinda a strong word, i absolutely get what you mean. Men seem to think the world revolves around them when they're sick, even if you've just had the same cold it's soo much worse for him!  

  3. You're just stressed out Honesty.  You need to go to the Spa.

  4. You might want to sit down and evaluate your relationship then. If you can't stand a long weekend together something is wrong. I could spend months on end with my wife, longest straight with no work was 1 month and it was great.

    If it's just that he's being whiny cause he's sick and you can't take it then that's fine.  

  5. Not here.  My wife and I had a nice weekend.  I think we'll exchange fluids tonight.

  6. Ew men with colds are soo annoying!  Don't go've got a whole work week to escape his complaints!

  7. Everyone is annoying when they are sick. I used to think i was going to kill my man when he got the flu. He drove me crazy for like 2 weeks (i know that sounds bad, i was just so busy, but i still took care of him), then like a month later, i got the flu, and he took care of me with no problem and i realized how selfish i was being.

    I guess you just need another perspective?

  8. 6 kids...yikes.  Tell him to zip up his man suit! the d**n pansy!

    You're bailing out to do online chat is a h**l of a lot more important than spreading his d**n cold to your six kids during the first week of school!

    Jesus, the nerve of some lily-livered double-X chromosomed b******s...

    Go home and kick him in the nuts.

  9. i completely understand u.  i feel like walking out on my husband.  he is sitting outside as we speak because ive already cried 3x today.  men are so insensitive, and im tired of being superwoman. i cant wait to go back to work.  

  10. We do have our moments.  but  life goes on especially if you have all those kids.  There's 6 of em!!!

    Can't blame your husband.  The both of you better get your "act" together.  Better quit the "blame game"  Better start planning the kids "college education"

    We live in a fast pace and expensive world.

    Kids are like boomerangs.  Don't raise them right - they'll live with you forever.

  11. yep, there was a lot of back-turned bird flipping over the weekend.  :)

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