
Does anyone else Love the airport?

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i Love the airport, i will find any excuse i can.

Oh and at night when nobody is there, its just so Amazing.

i don't know why i Love it so much, could be the fact that i want to be a pilot but still. Anybody else Love the airport?




  1. don't ask why, but i think it's fascinating. lol. interesting question. i think riding in an airplane or being in the airport is something everyone needs to do before they die. that's what i'd pick. lol.

  2. heck yea airports are awesome

  3. ya i like love the airport and it is beautiful at night. i can sit there for hours just watching aircrafts take off and land. its really cool.

  4. Like the shaving razor guy who said "I loved the product so much, I bought the company", I decided that airports were so cool I bought a house in an airpark! John Travolta also lives in an airpark. I now get to share the passion with fellow enthusiasts. Most of us have our own planes in our own hangars next to our own regular residential house. Car road on one side, aircraft taxi way from the hangar on the other side. The taxi way then leads to the all-weather strip that we all share. Some residents don't actually fly (any more) but still love to hang around and soak it up.

    I am a pilot and also build & test fly aircraft. I Have been here since last year and kick myself every day for not moving here sooner.

  5. Sea-Tac you can sit, have lunch and watch aircraft takeoff

  6. I agree with you.  I love the airport too.  I go from time to time just to watch the planes take off and land.  I found a few really great spots near the runways at the nearest large airport to where I live.  I  found those viewing spots using satellite maps from the Internet.  There is also the smell of jet fuel in the air which is unmistakable.   I've always loved the big airliners and watching and hearing them in action is a big thrill for me.


  7. I used to work at one and on breaks it was interesting to watch the people. But I don't know if I love it.

    I do love old planes, but that's different.

  8. I love the airport i dont know what it is, i just do

  9. I was raised in SoCal and lived under the final approach of a runway near Long Beach CA until I was 13. Douglas Aircraft Co. (later became MD, then Boeing) Built the Globemaster II (C-124, I think) They used to fly right over the house at less than 1,000 ft.  Four huge multi-row radial engines with huge 3-bladed props. I saw almost every WWII, Korean and early 60's warbird fly in. It was great, I have a passion for aviation that I didn't pursue until late in life. I love being around aircraft of any kind. Yes I hang out at airports, the small county airports are best. And I love the smell of Kerosene in the morning.

  10. oh my god i love love love the airport especially waking up early to go there

  11. I loved it as a kid,  when men wore suits and women wore dresses and heels and it was something that was considered to be a privlege to travel.  I respect the **** out of SouthWest Airlines, they are one of the, if not THE best run lines of ALL time, and Herb Kelleher is a genius (and a great guy)  but... they turned flying into mass transit, and it became flip-flops and cut-offs and "cattle call" airlines. One of my earliest aviation career goals was to have a Southwest flight attendant (stewardess back then) for a girlfriend complete with boots and hotpants,  you can't do that anymore...

    I loved Braniff's "Flying Colors" and I was taxiing out of LBB in 1979 when the "Calder" 727 outrageous paintjob (at the time) was leaving, and they had to return to the gate for some reason and I heard my roommate come on the radio and say "What's the matter? did you forget some of your paintjob?"  and the whole freq went dead silent because everyone was laughing so hard we couldn't talk.

    After 30 years of eating/sleeping/living in airports all over the world, nah... it's gone... it's work and no fun... but I know what you mean, it was really something special back in the 60's

  12. Love/hate relation ship. lol.  I work at the 2nd busiest airport in the US.  Actually, I like the airport at night.  The runway is all lit up and you can feel the ocean breeze.  Magnificent!

  13. Not in the slightest, since it usually means having to fly.

  14. The small or medium sized ones are fun, over on the general aviation ramps. I used to work at one.

    The bigger ones are usually too crowded to enjoy and also I can get a queazy stomach smelling jet exhaust. A little isn't bad but if the wind is blowing the wrong was it can overwhelm.

  15. I have spent countless hours both in terminals, and around the perimeters just marveling at the majesty of flight.

    I am now an Airline captain but still enjoy doing it.

    If this is your passion do not give up. Check out a video on 'Youtube' titled " Why become an airline pilot edit 1 "

    Best wishes.

  16. I like the airport just fine, I guess. Particularly the duty-free shops.

    Though I do not care for airport security, customs, arrogant pilots (sorry, I refuse to call anybody a "captain" unless he's on a f*cking boat or has an actual military rank), or the snotty attitudes of some of the flying waitresses, er um, flight attendants.

    * Note to "jexas": The bus drivers (a.k.a. the pretend captains) need to focus a little more on flying the goddamn plane (preferably sober, and without setting off the oxygen masks) rather than on the manners of the passengers. And I couldn't care less if a stewardess can't save my life, just as long as she helps me to my seat, gets me my peanuts and beer, does it all with a smile, and keeps her lousy trap shut unless I ask her something. Thanks to Bush, ever since airline employees received federal status after 9/11 they seem to have forgotten where their salary comes from, and who's supposed to be serving who.

  17. I feel at home in airport terminals.

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