
Does anyone else STRONGLY agree that school bus drivers shouldn't be able to talk on cell phones while driving

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Does anyone else STRONGLY agree that school bus drivers shouldn't be able to talk on cell phones while driving




  1. Of course! NO ONE should drive while talking on a cell. That's why it is illegal in some areas. This should be a "warn once, fire second" offense as it endangers the lives of children who are trusting that driver to get them home safely.

  2. no one should talk on  cell phone while driving!!!!!!

  3. Bluetooth, my eye.

    Aside from all the good reasons not to be on the phone while driving, here's another one:

    They get paid to drive. They can talk on their own time, just like any other worker.

    As far as the "emergency" comment goes, those things are equipped with two-way radios just for that purpose.

  4. I totally agree that bus drivers should not be allowed to talk on the cellphone while driving unless they have a bluetooth and all the children all in control and not a distraction.  At one point a bus driver might need to be contacted by someone for emergency reasons but just to have a social conversation should not be allowed.

  5. i agree wholeheartedly.

  6. Yes I agree 100 percent.

  7. The screaming kids are enough distraction without anything else.

  8. YES. Few people have the ability to talk and drive carefully. The driver should be fired.

  9. You know they are on the clock...At my job we are not permitted to be on the phone...Geesh they only drive for such a short time!!!!!

  10. In Britain it is illegal for anyone to use a mobile phone whilst driving. A driver responsible for the welfare of dozens of kids should know better. Report him (or her).

  11. Not only school buses...ANY vehicle on the highway!!!  Find a safe place to pull over if you have to talk on the phone!

  12. YES, I agree, school bus and public bus drivers should not talk on cellphone while driving.

    In fact, it happened in my home country in Japan relate to this topic.

    Since Japan doesn't have school bus, bus used for school trip and we were driving along the road in the field when noisy students who were on my bus yelled which caused our bus driver to take wrong turn on two-way street.

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