
Does anyone else adore adoption videos on youtube?

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cini- i can see why you would wonder, you couldn't understand for lack of compassion




  1. No more than i adore rape videos. i have seen enough "adoption videos" of crying mothers having their babies taken out of their arms by "caring" workers or "waiting parents," the mother showing every indication of being just as traumatized as a woman who is being raped or assaulted, that to me it shows just how cruel the industry is.  

    Just as with rape:   No means no. Anything but Yes means no.  A pressured "Yes" means No.  That is the standard that has been set in most legal jurisdictions regarding assault and coercion.

    Similarly, if the pressure is that a mother feels she MUST surrender her baby because:  (1) she has been denied the resources she needs to raise her child - financial coercion, (2) she feels she must surrender as she would devastate the "waiting parents" - emotional coercion or (3) she has been pressured by others into believing that her child "needs more" - psychological coercion -- it is still coercion and not a "Yes."  And a coerced decision is not a decision at all.

    Look at many of these videos and you'll see the mother is either bawling her eyes out or looking numbed and dissociated from reality while this is going on -- and you can believe that she does not want to do it and every fiber of her being is rebelling against being forced to perform this unnatural act of giving away her baby. Or she has a plastic smile on her face and you can tell that she's dissociated and that she"ll come back to reality later on and the pain will strike her like a locomotive.

    Can no-one else see the pain and trauma in these videos?  I don't adore them.  I know first-hand what these mothers are feeling and what they will go on to endure in the future as the pain never ceases.

  2. i dont watch those... i didnt even know they had those... how can u adore them... you adopt the kid and leave

  3. I'm a big fan of adoptee videos.

    I also love the youtube documentary videos from Adopted: The New American Family.

    Oh, and zukoforprez rocks my socks :)

  4. OMG, I totally thought you were Sunny, and I thought you were asking if we adore ADOPTEE vid's on youtube.  I know I sure do.  They TOTALLY rock!  Check these out:

    ETA:  My new favorite:

  5. I'm not into "real life" drama in general, especially when it involves children.  Making a video for YouTube or a half-hour special on cable TV is just over the top.  The children aren't giving their consent to have their names, faces and real-time accounts of their personal moments broadcasted for millions of strangers.

    I remember someone asking me that when we adopted, did we plan on having the newspaper/TV there to greet us after we got off the plane.  I was totally shocked.  It had never even occurred to me.  I didn't come back with a snappy response like I should have, but I said something to the effect that this was a personal moment for our family and we wanted our space.  

    I just feel like it's grandstanding for the gratification of the adoptive parents.  There are other ways to bring the public's attention to the needs of children in the world than making poster children out of your own.  

  6. Adore?

    More like abhor!

  7. Oh yeah, cuz I LOVE watching a child loose everything he or she has and it is even better to actually see them being forced into the arms of a stranger!

    YouTube adoption videos, the stupid Adoption Stories TV show and all these moronic adoption themed videos make me barf!

  8. I adore spending an evening watching adoption videos on youtube. Normally I record several Adoption Stories on TLC and watch those too. It only makes me want to adopt even more. When the children are in poor conditions I just want to adopt them all.

  9. Um, no.

    I would not broadcast a birth on youtube and I most certainly did not broadcast my child's adoption.

    The best single bit of training we got during the adoption process was to arrive at the airport without family, friends, loud noises, and hoopla. Making a spectacle of your child's arrival devalues the entire process but also is not good for the child.

    Imagine that you left your nation of birth and your home and travelled on a plane for the first time for many hours. Your arrive in a giant building and are greeted by people screaming and crying and taking photos and waiving balloons and just making a wild, terrifying display.

    I was shocked to find that we were the only couple in a class of 40 people who followed the advice, but I am so glad that we did.

    And we're the ones who had a child sleep through the night the day that he arrived and transition in happily and easily.

    But even if you decide to film your child's arrival and make the arrival into a giant public spectacle, what sort of person posts it online for every stranger (and lunatic) the world 'round to view?

    It's just gross.

  10. No!

    The anti-adoption videos on the other hand...  LOVE them!

    Adoption hurts!  I should know.

  11. No.  I find some of them disturbing.

    I think most of them clearly shows how touched in the head some adoptive parents truly are.  I think infertility leads to temporary insanity and the videos show the length some people will go to get their fix.  The Gotcha day videos make me sick especially when they throw God into the situation.  

    Gaia: OMG thanks for the cry.

  12. Er... I used to.

    Until I heard my mother's voice over the microphone and spoke to other biological mothers that had their children torn from them.

    When I see videos now, part of me can rationalize that a new family has just been created and that they SHOULD be happy, of course.

    But the other part of me just feels pain at knowing that the adoptive mother's happiness came at the expense of another mother's grief. Then I'm... not so satisfied.

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