
Does anyone else agree??

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That it's the person character and personalty that makes them special not their name Just because they are named something noone else has heard of makes them anymore likely to do something great with their lives than someone named from the top 100 list




  1. I agree with you and people need to stop worrying about what others name their children...My daughter is named what she is due to the meaning and then a name from my grandmother.  To me it is MY business and no one elses.

  2. EXACTLY..  The baby doesn't have much of a personality yet.  It's just a pretty name or something that the parents chose.  Has no effect on the personality the person might have.

    THough I do have a cousin named Diamond and she's very snotty..

  3. for the most part, but names are very special too, why half of tinseltown have changed their names to something else and it worked out well for them. Names are abig part of who people are. As for getting places in life, names are the first things that are judged before the person is met, if the name sounds underqualified, the person is also considered underqualified. Its a BIG BIG BIG part of a person. It's with them their whole lives.

  4. yeah

  5. I agree, that everyone (no matter what your name is) has the same choices and opportunities in life. However, I still like more uncommon/unique names better.

  6. Agreed.

    Shakespeare was dead on. A rose is still a rose, even if you change its name.

    I can understand not wanting your child to be one 5 kids with the same name in their playgroup, but that does not warrant naming them something ludicrous (especially if it defies all laws of grammar known to man).

  7. u are dead on, I totally agree, you are only as Good as you want to be, a name is just to identify who you are,not what your made of...

  8. definitely

  9. i do not think someones name makes them who they are.i like odd names and common names i think it is the choice of the parents what to name their child(ren) and how to spell it NO ONE ELSE..i think it is funny how every Jessica i have met has had the most similar personality but how you are is up to you..

  10. who cares if their names is unknown if their character and personality is right then their special

    rate as best answer

  11. Yes, for sure. I know some awesome people, with what I consider to be some pretty bad names - and some pretty awful people with great names.

    I certainly wouldn't base my like or dislike of anyone on something as trivial as their name ;)

  12. sure, name usually doesn't have much to do with character

  13. No, names rock!!  When you finally get a kid, name them right and don't s***w it up or your kid will suck.

  14. I don't really care what people name their children, I think unique names are adorable!  With that being said, there are studies out there on names that prove that people who have unique names are less likely to be successful and/or end up in jail.  I know it seems strange, but that's what all the studies suggest.  Also, when first impressions matter and you don't get to meet the person (job or school applications) it is suggested that the people who decide are biased towards names that they are familiar with.  I plan on naming mine something unique, yet classy, not because of the studies, but because I like it and it's my kid. (I'm 7 months along)

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