
Does anyone else agree that Al Gore has pulled off the biggest scam in our lifetimes?

by Guest63174  |  earlier

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Global Warming.




  1. I dont agree to this at all!! Global Warming is extremely real and whatever Al Gore says is the part of an Absolute TRUTH. For God's sake, there are no lies attached to it.  There are many factors which are responsible. First is the pollution. Second is the cutting of trees. We are destroying ourselves. It is not the gases which will kill us. Floods Storms and rains would kill us too. Global warming was a risk factor since the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe but it wasn't a much problem at that time because Earth was able to compensate for the losses. In last five years all this has piled up and now there is no solution to this risk. Deserts are expanding. One and only reason is the cutting of trees. Population is rising, land is needed, trees are cut down, trees are responsible for amount of rains in particular are and when this trees are not there how will rains come??  Lakes are drying due to high temperatures. Earth's climate moreover was never stable and it was pre-decided that destructions are going to be followed by ultimate development because of pollution and global temperature rise, ecological imbalance etc.. As you said the conditions are already inverse. In winter, the climate is most cold even though due to high temperatures. GW does not only refer to heating but also includes every aspect of natural destruction. So you see these are absolute facts and if you want some more arguments feel free to contact me or IM me :

  2. In reality, all you have to do is look around and you would know for certain that something is definitely wrong with our world climate, it is changing dramatically.

    Thing is the message is on target, reality is that Big Al Gore is simply the WRONG MESSENGER being such a Pompas Blow Hard himself....what if Sir Richard had delivered the message, I'll bet a lot of us would take it more seriously then?

  3. Gore is no scientist.  He is more of a 'high priest' type! He has raised, what should be a scientific debate into a cult like belief system. Though i question his sincerity, he might bring more attention to environmental issues in general, which is a good thing IMO.

    CO2 levels in the atmosphere might well be one of our least concerns regarding real pollution!

  4. Wow, what an angry mob. Al Gore isn't a scientist but has brought forward environmental issues that are threatening our existence as a species.

    Did you know that academia, every state, city and country in the United Nations is actually blind when it comes to cause of climate change? Did you know that academia considers temperature in their calculators but can't see the temperatures or verify them? The entire national to municipal building industry including the ones you live in are designed and insulated for local temperatures, then signed off as compliant because we couldn't see the temperatures.

    Go to the following link and see how the Co2 theory is seriously flawed. Why worry about heat trapping gases atmospherically when we are generating extreme heat with each new building?

    Why do we ask children and bald people to cover their skin in the summer? UV burns them and the same UV as well as other solar radiation is in effect burning buildings. Academia including presidential hopefuls can't see it. Go to and see how California is being knocked off the electrical grid treating a symptom.

    This is also a toxicity issue and tests completed by the Environmental Working Group reported 100% toxicity in newborns. How does a baby that has never taken a breath get banned pesticides, mercury, incinerated garbage, etc inside them? They don't have an immune system and don't have protection. Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus where you can link to the study on polluted newborns.

    Al Gore isn't discussing toxic babies and the cancers or h**l associated with their lives by having those chemicals inside them.

    Al Gore needs education as this info wasn't available but you need to educate people. There aren't going to be rich people with clean water and food, we are all in this quit complaining and demand debate.

  5. YES!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I suspect that there are much bigger scams that have happened in our lifetimes.

    What about the whole "yellow cake uranium" scam?

    Or the industry of Nigerian Lottery scammers that con people out of literally millions and millions of dollars?

    Anyone remember the hubbub about Y2K? And how that fizzled out?

    Or trying to convince people that the best way to protect themselves from a nuclear weapons attack is to "duck and cover"?  That was quite a scam.

    Going back further, what about the tobacco industries reluctance to admit that cigarettes caused cancer?  

    Remember the cancer protection diets that have come and gone?   When I was in college, everyone was turning orange from eating so much beta-carodine.  

    And I really haven't even gone into scams that have occurred abroad.   Elections that have been stolen.   Diplomatic feints that could be considered "scams."

  7. On this site the presence of a number of "yes" answers to this question is transparent validation, at best.

    Gore doesn't have all the answers, but he is trying to inform the public at large regarding global warming and climate change.  I have 2 adult children and a grandchild who will live to see the impacts of human-related climate change play out in such a way that there will no longer be a "debate."

    We'll have skeptics for another decade or so, then that chorus will slowly fade away as the body of evidence that already exists grows with demonstration after demonstation of projected impacts having come to pass.

    So perhaps you choose to ignore the obvious.  Me, I love the grandkid dearly, and I'm going to do what I can to ensure that his future is full of promise. Turning my back at this point because the subject is obtuse isn't the tact I want to take.  I want to be part of the solution, and Mr. Gore obviously wants as many people to be aware of what the future may hold as is possible.

    Scam. Hoax. Myth.  They're just 4 letter words. But what's happening is going to happen no matter what you say now.  And in a matter of years, you won't be saying it anymore. And then, our choices will have diminished.  The time to act is now, when our options are still broad and plentiful.

    We need to move toward a sustainable lifestyle on this planet.  Hopefully you don't need someone with a high public profile to tell you that.  Hopefully you'll see the writing on the wall and start incorporating elements of that lifestyle into your own.  Just in case.

  8. We should believe him. Remember He started the Internet. LOL

  9. so far he has. he's going to dip into that giant green fund he's created to run for pres again.

  10. yes. I'm afraid we have all been GORED. (buried under a huge mound of bull consensus) unfortunately we cant even use all this consensus on our gardens because we cant afford to file all the necessary environmental impact paper work required by the government.

  11. Yes, because even though it's just a theory (a full of holes one) he continues to preach it as fact, and will not, absolutely refuses...will run away from, a real debate about it.

  12. YES! He lied to all of us and now those that belive in manmade global warming are to ignorant to listen to facts that prove it wrong. (especially Inconvinient Truth)

  13. no, the polar bears are going extinct and the poles are melting. Thats fact.

  14. Yes!  But he could only get away with it with the help of others.

    Investigate his supporters and I'm sure you'll find there are dollar signs behind it.  I can't believe how naive people are to just blindly believe everything they see or hear on tv.  I was taught to ALWAYS question everything.  In the 70's (when the environmental movement began, and I am a part of it), we were taught there was "global cooling".  I'm glad more and more people want to clean up the planet but they need to start with their own backyard, neighborhood, and town.  There is plenty of work to go around!  Some of the ideas the politicians (and Al Gore is first a politician) come up with are making it even more difficult for the poor people to make a living.  We need people and ideas who have real vision and wisdom to fix these problems.  And greed is running rampant!  Most of the "environmentalist" working in our (local)conservation offices drive SUV's and gas guzzling cars.  I always tell them, if you really believe what you preach, you shouldn't be driving that vehicle!  Where is the incentive for anyone else to sacrifice if the people working in environmental positions are not willing to sacrifice?  And the car manufacturers maintain they still make SUV's and trucks because the  people are still buying them!  Who?  I can't afford them, and I can't afford to run them.  This is all a political mess and the cause can be traced right back to Al Gore and his "friends".  Meanwhile, nothing meaningful is getting done!

  15. YES

    And the more money Algore and his buddies make from selling global warming, the more they can fly their jets around, air condition their mansions, pollute the air and burn up fuel.

  16. Yes, I just hope we are not going to be compelled to pay his ridiculous "carbon taxes" to finance his and his investors' lavish lifestyles.

  17. Yes. Just like the melting polar ice caps scare! This past year, the temperature of the ice caps was lower and colder than they were in a long time. It's just the same. The earth warms, and cools, warms and cools, just like the ice caps. I don't like Al Gore, even less now.

  18. Yup.

    I believe it's the UN with Gore as the talking head.

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