
Does anyone else agree that "Without women, men are brothers"?

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I heard of a tribe of monks that live on a greek island, and allow no women on it as they live by the mantra "Without women, men are brothers". I think women can drive men apart. For instance, my flatmate has a girlfriend, and now we never see him. I have a GF but I always make time for the boys. It seems that when a guy gets a GF he forgets his mates exist. Would like to hear from women as well.




  1. some men are brothers reguardless of woman being present or not.

    & it works both ways.

    I lost a friendship due to a man even though we (my friend & I) both once stated "no man will come between us."

    this was a totally straight friendship that ended due to a man.

  2. I agree with those monks, women are trouble!

    s**y though ;)

  3. It should be: "Without's a d**n sausage feast."

    But yes, i see where they cuold be coming from.  

  4. Well, they do have somewhat of a point. It seems like (and I'm generalizing, of course) when a man falls for a woman, he gets caught up in his romantic relationship and it seems almost as if the friendships are not as important. They tend to fade when compared to being with the opposite gender. Obviously this isn't the case for you and I'm sure for other men out there. But for a lot of others, this tends to be the case. Girls can be the same way too, but there are less cases for them. I can understand why the monks would live like that--romance can complicate same gender friendships and make for some tricky situations.  

  5. i dont find words to say but what ever u heared answers from  many people some of them u like and some...........  u should thing with ur own mind the true answer which ur heart say to u and ur mind and if u want my answer the answer is yes i   i agree  

  6. no

    but without women to proofread their questions, men are idiots

  7. Your right, most men and boys hang around each other all the time. We as women should not destroy their relationship. Everywhere I look I see men gathered in a big group. This is the way it should, la, la........  

  8. No I'd say "without women, men are lovers" ;)

  9. dont have to be like that, and your partner should be your best friend

  10. Don't blame her, he's the one who has ditched you all for some lady loving :P

    Yeah i know loads of guys have have been p***y whipped to put it nicely...but they wouldn't have it any other way.

    When you love somebody they become more important than anything else in some cases.  

  11. I fell out with my best mate over a year ago because of a girl, BROS BEFORE HOES!!!

    Woman are evil demends sent from h**l to suck the life out of men.

  12. Doesn't it go more like

    Without women, men are *Lovers*?

  13. I agree, But life is boring and not fun without them!

    We all love them women!

  14. behind every great man is an exhausted woman

  15. Without women, men are uncivilized monkeys.  Without women, men don't use eating utensils, they don't clean their dens, they don't shower or shave, they f**t and burp whenever.

    WIthout men, most women are the same way as the men without women.

  16. No, i dont believe this to be true, what would men have to talk about without women? Huh? Women dont drive men apart. Men dont drive women apart. Some women may be time demanding, others not so. The same applies to men and I think it's unfair to make such a generalisation. Maybe your buddy just prefers to spend his time with his gf? Me and my bf are best friends. he loves spending time with me as i love spending time with him. He wants me to be with him always...maybe your flatmate is the same. Man and woman can be best friends yknow, so maybe he has found a soulmate in this woman. Not all men forget there friends exist, but some inevitably will...Maybe you arn't into you gf as much as he is? Or maybe you value friendship more? There could be alot of reasons, and I think its unfair to blame the woman.

    P.s that greek island sure as h**l sounds g*y! LOL

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