
Does anyone else always have friends of certain signs?

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I'm a libra, rising taurus, and moon leo, Two of my best friends are leos and 2 are capricorns. I'm currently dating a cancer and my first love was a cancer as well. Does anyone else notice they are friends with certain signs more then others??




  1. Yes, All of my closet friends are Fire. I seem to get along with Virgo girls really well too. I attract fire for the most part. Its kinda funny.

  2. Yes.  I think you are attracted to the certain signs and personalities.  I know I dint get along with certain types as well.

  3. Nope. I'm a libra too, I'm not supposed to get along with Aries and most of my friends are Aries. Talk about vice versa.

  4. I'm a Libra sun, Sag rising, and Cancer moon and for some reason all my best friends turn out to be Scorpios. I have tons of Scorpio friends and I'm currently dating one!

  5. I'm an Aquarius, pretty open to any one.

    but my closet friends are Libras, sags, and Aquarius.

    My boyfriend is an Aquarius.

  6. Not me but I do know someone that all thay attarct are Virgo guys!

    Her best friend is a Virgo as well!

    She is a capricorn.

  7. No. I don't care about anyone's sign. It's their personality that matters.

  8. This is your SIGN!

  9. myself as a leo get along with caps andlibras also but not tauruss

  10. I'm a Gemini Double Sagittarius. when I meet someone I really hit it off with they are always Libra.

    When i fall hard and fast for a guy he's always a Pisces. And I am completely puzzled by Pisceans.

    When I meet someone that immediately bugs the c**p out of me they will Always be a Virgo.

  11. actually i do, I'm a Pisces and i tend to be very drawn to caps and Taurus. All of my closest friends are.  

  12. i haven't paid attention and i really don't think depending on what time of the year your friends or boyfriends were born will really decide if you get along with them or will decide what their personality's are like

  13. I'm Cancer and most of my friends are Virgos and Capricorns.

  14. I have libra sun, cancer rising and moon and my best friends right now are virgos, gemini's and libra's. For some reason I haven't really had a libra as a best friend until now, but I always seem to have virgo and gemini friends. Also I used to be really good friends with leos, but only stopped coz I had to move...

  15. yep a great book to read is linda goodmans sun signs. it is amazing  

  16. I am a:

    Gemini sun

    Gemini Moon

    Sag rising

    Most of my close friends are Sag and Libra. My best friend is the Sag.  its funny b/c most of my best friends throughout my life have been sags from both PA (my hometown till I was 12 yrs old) and miami (where I have resided since I was 12 yrs old).

    I have been attracting alot of male libras

  17. I am superstitious so yes I do think that your zodiac sign has something to do with it

  18. helloo..

    am a scorpio and about 4 good friends are cancer..

    and my sister is hehe

    does this sign match..?? haha

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