
Does anyone else ask themselves?

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If the world isn't right, if it isn't working as it should, and there is a popular opinion, then shouldn't I defy the popular opinion to help put things right again? Popular opinion makes the world what it is, and I don't think there's any denying that. I just think that, by accepting that, one must go on to say to oneself that the reason the world is this way is because we, collectively, aren't being ourselves and standing up for what is right. Thoughts? (Courteous ones, please. I was nice, after all...Just trying to provoke thought)




  1. If everyone cleans up garbage, and there is something wrong with the world, does that mean you should go around overturning trash cans?

    Being contrary is only good when you know what you believe or do will put right what is wrong. It is obviously not something you need or should do in all things.

    I'm giving this question a star because of Bowen's brilliant response.

  2. I was with you up until you wrote, "...we, collectively, aren't being ourselves..."

    Too many people are like sheep, following the crowd. It's not that they aren't being themselves, they are. They are sheep and aren't capable of being anything else.

  3. Always stand up for what you believe in and don't compromise your ethics and morals.  

  4. Be the change you want to see in this world.

    Mahatma Gandhi

  5. God loves us anyways:)

  6. Well, yeah.  But most people -- myself included -- think change at this point is practically impossible.

  7. You posted to the incorrect category, my friend.  Especially if you want courteous thoughts.  Or thoughts, as opposed to wellsprings of emotion.

  8. Sure.

    If you don't like the way things are going it is up to you to change it. It is true that too many people spend their time complaining about what others are doing wrong and how that inhibits them when they should realize that they are the one who is in control of their own course. One person can make a difference and that has been proven time and time again.

    Aleister Crowley wrote that every man and every woman is a star. And a star is concerned with its own course, not the course of others. Be a star.  

  9. I would say that it's not popular opinion but popular action (or lack thereof) that causes problems.  

    You might change things but you'd need to be really convincing and have plenty of backing.  

    There's plenty of caveats to be had there, though.

  10. to try to change the world for the better is an admiral cause and a noble one but do you think that a few individuals can really do that,when the rest just dont seem bothered,only God has the power to do this,and he will in the very near future,why not ask jws about this.

  11. Change the world by changing your mind.

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