
Does anyone else beleive we are overtaxed to sustain an out of control benefit system?

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What is the answer.How do we stop bashing the hard workers in the U.K.




  1. I do, I do! And I'm American.

  2. We're supposedly the 5th richest nation on the planet and the 3rd most expensive place to live.

    Despite record taxation this Government needs to extend it's borrowing to make up the shortfall between what's coming in and what's going out. That's fecking scary and unsustainable.

    There is no answer to the above but applying even more taxation to try and balance the books, so the British worker is going to suffer even more whether it's a Labour Government or not. Whoever wins the next election will inherit a major financial nightmare.

  3. Countries that dont have strong welfare have lots of problems. The USA is a great example as is Russia & China. Countries like the UK with strong welfare systems have less crime and happier societies. The basic logic is.....If you give money to poor people to live - they wont try and kill you for your money.

  4. I would suggest you ring the children and working tax credit helpline and ask one of their call centre staff. You see our tax and benefit system has become so complex and over burdened. I pay more in tax than ever before, but if I put out my hands and beg, I could be lucky enough to get tax credit, Why, because it keeps otherwise unemployable people in work. If you ring them and speak to one of these morons you'll understand what Im saying.

  5. YES

  6. Yes

    And we are also overtaxed to look after illegal immigrants that disappear into our midst at a rate of a hundred a day.

    And we are also overtaxed on our cars...where the government can decide your road tax and then chareg whatever they like on a car you purchased FIVE years ago.

    And on fuel...and on a PILE of other things this government has fooked up on. And guess what - they will come for more, and more...and more...and more.

    We are taxed to a HUSK by this government and they are bringing in as many policies to raise as much cash as possible to plug the holes in their dam of ineptitude because they KNOW that there is not a PRAYER of them winning the next election.


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