
Does anyone else dislike Mark Radcliffe??

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At last!! Mark boring Radcliffe and the nobody who is Stuart MacConie,have been moved from Monday evenings on BBC Radio 2;but why are they given prime time radio airplay anyway?? I am not impressed with the schoolboy-ish inane humour,biased toward listeners from south of Watford Gap;Radcliffe is a great DJ and musician on his own,but totally unsuited to this type of show-please can we have it taken off air,and bring back all the familiar favourites for in the week?? Why the heck does radio (and TV,to a lesser extent) have to "dangerous,or "edgy"/cutting edge?? when really they mean-"we don`t care if most of our regular listeners are alienated or a bit offended,and miss their normal radio show-because we don1t give a stuff-we`re being terribly modern-even if we don`t fully understand what it is we`re trying to say




  1. people like you amaze me !  if you dont like a radio show dont listen to it, its that simple !  and as if stuart maconie is a nobody,  both him and mark radcliffe have been dj's for years !

  2. British Broadcasting Brainwashes Britons.

  3. I neither like, nor dislike Mark Radcliffe - and I'm too young (33) to listen to Radio2.

    Do you think that there is any chance that although you are a regular listener, that you aren't the ONLY listener and that although you might not like the schedules there are probably millions of older people who do?

    Come on and join the 90's - at least then you'll have half-a-chance of surviving in the 21st century...

  4. YES with a passion

    regards x kitti x

  5. They should bring back the Mark & Lard team and let them be outrageous on night-time radio like they used to...

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