
Does anyone else do this...?

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I never take anything from the top or the first of something. For example... if im buying a drink or something, i will grab the first just so i can take the one behind it then i will put the first one back. same with stuff in my house too... when i grab a plate i take one in the middle of the stack if not then all the way at the bottom... i didnt really notice i was doing this until my friend said something about it but is this weird?




  1. yea i do that too because a lot of the time the first thing on there is the thing that everyone else looks at and plays with or has dropped or whatever. thats why i always take from the middle.

  2. no i do that with certain things... most of the time, chances are with the stuff at the top or front, someone has touched it... who wants someone elses germs? Gross. With drinks though I only grab the one behind because chances are it's colder. If I'm in the grocery store, i grab the milk in the back,and eggs and meat too because they are colder and fresher.  

  3. yes i do this all the time. but its becasue i have doctor diognosed OCD. so i cant help it lol.   but look it up maybe you could have it

  4. lol i do that all the time, the first thing are always touched and picked up then they decide they don't want it so they return it, also some people just throw them back anywherevafter they changed their mind and then they are put in the front "some one wanted to buy some yogurt then changed his mind over at the snack section, so he just picks it up and places it there, then a someone who works in the store finds it after 3-4 hours and takes it back and guess what ? he puts it in the front." i don't want to buy that so i usually go for 3rd or 4th.

  5. You'll be happy to know that you

    are not alone- I do the same thing-  ;-)

  6. For the most part, I always do that. Especially when getting drinks or something that's cold. I guess I have this belief that if I get one further back it'll be colder. Also with milk, cheese, etc. I always look as far back as I can to get the best expiration date possible. I think it's just one of those weird little OCD quirks people have.

  7. Yea when I'm out maybe sometimes because of germs and stuff, but at home NO, that's just weird!

  8. Me too. I got this feelings like its been exposed too long from other's view, so I take the one hidden which lies right behind it...  

  9. It's a good instinct.

  10. i dont think its weird at all.drinks in the back are cooler and plates in the middle have less chance to get dirt/ dust on them.  

  11. Normal.  Although it doesnt really work all that well.  If you take the middle plate, then wash it and put it away the top plate slowly sinks down to the middle plate and you end up using it any way.  Or...  take the item behind the front eventually you will be left with only the front item.  

    I just was everything before I use it.  People think I am OCD but well...  Its their problem.

  12. yes i do that also

  13. I do, in theory, the top item has the highest chance of not being sanitary...

  14. i do that in stores cuz they always put the old stuff in front and i take a plate from the middle of the stack in a restaurant cuz the top plate seems like it would be dirty cuz its exposed.  but i don't do that stuff in my house.  i don't think its weird its just a habit.

  15. It is not weird at all. I only do it with drinks when I get then in a store. The newer ones are in the back, and they are colder too. But that is the only reason. If they were all packed in ice, then I wouldn't care. You should see some of the crazy thing I do. If I only didn't have O.C.D.

  16. nope normal

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