
Does anyone else eat potato chips or french fries inside a sandwich?

by  |  earlier

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This is the stupidest question I've ever asked, but I want to know if I'm the only one who has an odd habit of putting potato chips in my sandwich or crunchy fries in a hamburger. I don't really know why else I do it besides the fact that I like the satisfying crunch in the middle. Do I need a therapist?




  1. As you can tell from your answers it's more common then you think. I have been doing that for ages. Though the reason I started isn't that common. While is basic training we were only allowed one trip through the chow line. Of the stuff we could get from the condiment set up were bread, cheese, chips, and mayo. I ate four or five of these sandwiches a day just to survive. I gained 40 pounds in those 11 weeks. Now I put in chips because I like the crunch it brings.

  2. nope i do that too, plain potato chips in a sandwich is awesome, and doritos or sour cream and onion on a cream cheese bagel ajfhgj mMm :) and i always put my fries in fast food sandwichs

  3. tuna salad club w/lettuce pickles and potato chips!  yum!

  4. Crushed potato chips even in Hot dogs! Yum.

  5. No therapist needed.  But try this.  You just might like it.  

    Ham sandwich with chips ahoy cookies.

  6. I used to! Haven't done that in a long time, but it's yummy!

  7. Yes I do. I have to have my chips with certain sandwiches. I like Munchos or Lays. It totally enhances the sandwich. I love the  contrast in texture.

    Not only that my other crazy habit is equally eating everything on my plate. I need a therapist

  8. I love to do that. I've been doing this ever since i was little.  If i eat at McDonalds or BK i always put my fries inside my burgers.  I also love to put chips inside my sandwich especially cheetos lol. =)

  9. Not a big fan of fries in a sandwich, they usually sog up. I love the crunch of chips in a sandwich, and certain flavors make burgers, or any sandwich, much more interesting.

    Try adding spicy Guacamole Pringles chips to a sandwich for an awesome mexican taste. I even like to add them to tuna and mayo sandwiches... Mmmmm.

  10. I used to do that when I was a kid not done it for a while tho, I'm in the mood for it now might do it later at lunch!


  11. they both taste good in a sandwich..did you try mashed pototes in a sanwich........good yum...

  12. No therapist needed, I put potato chips in my bagel and chips

  13. potato chips and vegemite between two slices of very fresh  bread, mmmmmmmmmm same with french fries and tomato sauce!

  14. i do its yummy.then i need a therapist too may he eats sand. like that too hey you never know.....

  15. Many people do it.  It's a nice tasty contrast between soft sandwich and crispy chips.

  16. chips on tuna and dixie loaf is kmy favorite

  17. I've gone thru phases where I've put ruffles on burgers and my husband will not eat a drive thru burger without fries on it.

    My childhood weakness was bbq chips on pepperoni pizza.  It was so good.... Yeah, I was chubby but man, I just figured out dinner.  Thanks!

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