
Does anyone else ever argue over which lane you should be in when approaching a roundabout?

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Does anyone else ever argue over which lane you should be in when approaching a roundabout?




  1. Well, I know one person who does, and he's the only person I know who keeps having near-misses on roundabouts.

  2. Rules (and habits) vary from country to country... the answer is absolutely YES.

    I'm an American living in the Middle East... roundabouts are not what I was raised on, and the people here don't do them "textbook" style.

  3. Unless road markings say otherwise.

    1st exit: left hand lane

    2nd exit you are entitled to use either lane

    3rd or subsequest exits right hand lane


  4. no why?

  5. Have a star!!!

    Got it 2nite on the way home; this dizzy pillock in front approached the r/about in the left turn only lane while signalling a right turn and what does he do??? he goes straight ahead!!!

    Well! I ask you!

    I drive a thousand miles a week, my road manners are better than many out there only because I have more time and thus experience on the road and I hold my hand up if I ever get it wrong but where do some people get their ideas of what is correct?

  6. YES! Always with my mother haha.

    I was taught in my driving lessons,if you're going to either the first or second exit,you stay in the left lane. Any other exits after that,you're required to go on the inside lane.

    But my mother always goes on the inside lane,unless she's exiting off the first exit. It drives me mad because she's always getting stuck/blocked on the inside lane by people who are in the correct,left hand lane!

  7. I was taught that you view the roundabout as a clock face. Exits before and including 12 o'clock you should be in the left hand lane as you approach, unless the road markings indicate otherwise. If you're taking the first exit you should be signalling left. Anything after 12 o'clock you should be in the right hand lane, signalling right, until you are level with the exit before the one you wish to take, at which point you signal left to show you are exiting at the next opportunity. The problem I find these days is roundabouts with four approach lanes, multiple exits, high sided lorries obscuring the roadside signs telling you which lane to use and other vehicles queueing over the road markings. I also find many people don't know traffic on a roundabout has priority over traffic which hasn't yet entered it so vehicles come at speed from your right, thinking because you're on their left they have right of way!

  8. Yes...If my husband and I didn't argue when the other was driving I would think something was wrong. I'm happy if I just make it to where I am going without getting killed or killing someone!

  9. nope its simple

    unless the lanes are designated left turn only, you should approach the island in the left hand lane to go left or straight on or any exit in-between

    approach in the right hand lane to go right or any lane past straight on.

    indicate right until you pass the exit BEFORE yours then indicate left

    apparently you are not required to indicate if going straight on but it makes sense so as to avoid confusion on larger islands

  10. I always approach in the outer (right-hand) lane, as it's illegal to exit the roundabout from the inner (left-hand) lane.  

    Of course, I'm speaking as a Yank.  However, I believe that the outer lane is standard for exiting, no matter where one is.

  11. Most people do argue but if you follow the highway code you should not go wrong. The problem usually arises when there are numerous exits and a driver is unsure whether to position oneself in the outside lane and then give a signal when you are approaching the exit you want to use and then pass into the inside lane in time to exit. Some drivers stay in the nearside lane and a problem of conflict can arise. I find that if you take your time and give appropriate signals you cannot go wrong.

  12. I live near and work in the wonderful city of roundabouts Milton Keynes. There must be at least 15 different types of roundabout layout that I can think of, single lane, two lane, three lanes etc,

    Because the roundabouts are every 1/2 mile or so with dual carriageway in between a lot of people exit the roundabout their on in the lane they need to be in for the entrance to the next roundabout. which can be very annoying as these people seem to enjoy 50mph!!

    If you a fan of roundabouts (aka weird) then take a drive round Mk, it really does have something for everyone.

  13. I don't drive but I know the rules (in England anyway). If you're going left or straight on, then you should be in left lane. Otherwise, you should be in the right lane unless road markings suggest otherwise.

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