
Does anyone else fake their confessions?

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Sometimes, if I'm in the mood, I'll pop into St MIchael's Byzantine and just make up a confession. The Priest seems like a nice guy and I feel sorry for him. Nobody really goes there anymore so it gives him something to do and feel valued. When I started I used to make up tales of promiscuity and driving fast. Now I just keep it simple so as not to embarrass the guy.




  1. Why would you do this? I go to Confession at least once a month and would never lie in such a manner. My priests are very busy and one must wait for confession.  

  2. I cut out the middle-man.

    I confess my sins directly to God.

  3. i think he should die

  4. The priest is willingly in that confessional.  He uses that time to pray, meditate and read his Office.  When he is interrupted by your inconsiderate behavior, he does his duty as an offering to God.  If you were a sincere penitent, both of you would be blessed by God.  As it is now, he is the only one receiving the blessings.

    Ignorant is when a mentally deficient person commits a bad act because he does not know how to behave.

    Stupid is when a person knows better, but commits the sin or inconsiderate act willingly.

    In this case you are ignorant because you think you know all the answers.  Believe me, the priest would love to do what he was doing before you interrupted him.

  5. Ask him some bible questions and see if he can answer them.

    Such as why are there so much suffering in the world?  

  6. That is sacriledge

    if you do not believe in the sacrament ,please do not abuse it

    Something tells me that you probably have enough real sins that you have committed and spiritual "areas of growth" to repent of before God.

    I find Confession a great blessing and a meeting with Christ The Merciful;

    Slava Isusu Christu!

  7. Jesus instituted the sacrament of confession for those who are truly sorry for sins committed and want to be reconciled with God and the Church.

    Since it sounds like neither of these apply to you, my advice would be to stay away from the confessional so that you might avoid committing sacrilege.

    If you are not Catholic and you have no faith, why do you keep approaching the priest and the confessional? Maybe if you did a REAL and sincere examination of conscience you might get a true insight into yourself and realize you really ARE in need of God's grace and mercy - as we all are.

    May God give you eyes to see and ears to hear the true faith. Peace be with you all+

  8. No. I go every week. whether or not I have committed a grave sin during the week there are graces that come with going to confession.

    Why the priest lets you get away with this I do not know, he must have his reasons and they must have something to do With this grace.  If you think you are getting over on him ie that he does not know you are not catholic and that you are not confessing real sins -- think again.

    If you were catholic and knew what you were doing, I think this would be sacralegious.  since you are not and do not ...?

  9. I'm happy to hear your doing that. Some of the most sensational stories of conversions start rather innocently.  I can see you're not a bad person, maybe curious.  But I see some good points in you:

    1. you prefer to drop into holy places, not the malling type?

    2. despite your unbelief, you see the priest as someone "nice."

    3. you seem sincerely wanting to make the old guy 'feel valued"

        definitely others-oriented.

    4. you don't want this person to be embarrassed.  quite sensitive of


    The way I see it, you're not far from the Kingdom of God.

    We do believe in sacrilege, but who knows?  The priest does not and can never tell you were just faking; and God who sees everything sees through your little game and- in consideration of the above listed, I don't think He would mind that.  You know, God is not really that strict as non-believers paint him out to be.  God has his own sense of humor, just look at the things around you.  I know he is interested, even amused of your little game of make-believe because -inspite of yourself, you are making someone outside yourself happy.

    Just a word of advise.  since you're at it, why don't you talk to the priest about real things pertaining to yourself.  You don't have to confess about your previous mischief with him, nor should you even talk of your sins, as yet.  Just talk about anything, about your fears, about your joys, your success, oyur GF or sports.  I think the old man would love that too, and who knows, you'd find it more stimulating than talking to a shrink whom you have to pay for the use of his couch.

    for all you know, there's a real reason why you have this peculiar attraction towards confessionals.  But God works in mysterious ways and Grace comes in as many varieties as Joseph's coat of many colors.

  10. Im with Mathew

    There is no need to confess your sins to a priest so he can tell you to say 7 hail mary's and be on your way.

    Not by works of rigteousness that you have done, but according to the scripture he saved us lest any man should boast.  

  11. Only when I roleplay with my GF.

    ''Oh my master, I have been naughty. Please punish me."

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