
Does anyone else feel discouraged or overwhelmed when they see climate change on tv?

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does it ever make you wonder what good your small contribution(i.e. recycling,driving a hybrid) will do? is the suggestions scientests r making for climate change just a pacifier, making us feel we can do something about it when we really can't?




  1. We can do stuff abut it!




    and stff like that

  2. No I love it.I have terrible arthritis.I hope to see summers in Tennessee over 110 degrees.

    I'm carbon neutral,burning waste vegetable oils.

  3. I get so mad when I see Global warming shows on TV. I mean honestly, how can the networks get away with showing so many blatant lies?

  4. Yes, I've felt discouraged and overwhelmed since I first started getting an idea of how horribly humans wreck the planet. That was when I was a kid and everyone said that it was just alarmist bull$h!te & tree-hugging. But it was already obvious to me that there was no way this was going anywhere good & that we'd soon be paying for our greed/selfishness/idiocy. I do wonder what good my contributions are but only because I see so few contributions from others (I live in America amongst the greediest, most selfish wasters on Earth). Still, all the contributions in the world won't fix much of anything. The damage has been done and the only consolation I find is that one day humans will end up destroying themselves and the planet can get back to business as usual. People just aren't willing to kick their convenience addiction.

  5. clearly it's a problem.

    fortunately, it's less than a year until a brain that's not owned by the energy industry gets into the white house.

    some of us do what we can.

    others don't care, and drive their SUV to the market.

    it won't be long before gasoline is $5, then $10 a gallon.

    at that point, you'll be able to buy a used SUV really cheap.

    it is unfortunate that some folks are unable to learn anything until it hurts their wallet.

    the really unfortunate thing is that they get to vote anyway.

  6. The automobile started with only a few. If I had an electric car,I wouldn't burn 35gallons of gas every week!

  7. I get discouraged about paying my cable bill.  When the writers went on strike, did anyone notice?  Poor fiction indeed!

  8. The Earth is a dynamic living environment and it's going to do what it's going to do.  We can't expect every year, for as long as the Earth has been here, to be the same.  We can't always expect nice weather just because we expect it.  

    This winter for example we had temperatures in the high 60's for a few days in January, a famously cold month.  All the "scientists" and weathermen were freaking out about global warming.  For as long as I can remember, and I've been around, we've always had the week-long January Thaw when all the snow would melt.  Be careful what you wish for:  We'd get some nice snow falls after that.

  9. Nope for one simple reason. In my 46 years on this planet the average temperature world wide has risen a whole .5 degrees Fahrenheit.

  10. hold steady, its a phase, you will go through it and it is calm and hopeful on the other side.

    talking to likeminded people, practical action, and focussing on the good things we get from changing our lifestyles, priorities and relationship to the earth all help.

    try reading this, it has some practical tips for when you feel overwhelmed;

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