
Does anyone else feel extremely good after masturbating?

by  |  earlier

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I mean like, I always have a smile grin on my face after finishing. Sometimes I just laugh or start singing because I feel so good. Does anyone else get this?




  1. Well I get this huge relief that feels amazing but I get really really tired and my knees hurt but it's definetly worth it  

  2. its great

  3. I know i do

  4. THANK GOODNESS! We get so many questions in this section from guys who feel bad afterwards - you obviously have a healthy and positive attitude to masturbation. I usually feel tired afterwards, but extremely grateful that my body has given me such a wonderful experience. I'm sure your response is absolutely right - you've made my day!

    Here's another positive comment that may interest you - be sure to read it all through - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    Thanks again :-)

  5. some times i sing to myself, or do a little dance in front of the mirror. its one of the best feelings in the world.

  6. .....................YES

  7. well yeah. thats the point of it...

  8. haha yup all the time but right after i finish up i feel lik... idk kinda wierd you know like not wanting to touch my d**k or talk to girls for liike 5 mins but then it all comes back!! :)  haha

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