
Does anyone else feel inadequet studying sociology?

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Do you think people look down on sociology as a subject?

Ever get embarrassed telling people you study sociology?

What prospects does a degree in sociology have?

What are peoples plans for when they finish studying sociology?




  1. It does depend on where you live. I live in the UK and here it doesn't really matter what degree you have as long as you have a degree. It shows you've worked hard. But in America, it seems to be a different story. My cousin (American) asked me if I am going to flip burgers with it. What is that all about? When I finish I plan to work in the civil services. There are plenty of jobs out there.

    Here are a few:

    University Teacher

    Public Sector Administrator

    Social Researcher

    Social Worker

    Housing Adviser/Manager

    Personnel Manager

    Community Worker

    Probation Officer

    Arts Administrator

    Youth Worker


    Youth and Community Work

    Public Relations

    Advertising and marketing

    Arts Administration

    Events Management


    Market Research

    Human Resource Manager

  2. i took sociology last semester and i love it! i thought it was an easy class that i could get an easy A. i was proven wrong. i still got an A  but it was a challenged! i loved learning about how the society works and how it has a great influence on humans. i also learned about piget and freud and gennie and other abandon kids and it was enlightening to know how without love and social connections, you would not be fully ur physically human but not emotionally and menatally human. so ya, so wat if ur studying sociology? sociology is a fun class!

  3. mm..i dont get embarassed by it; i found it super hard in the beginning, thought it had some sort of psychological bent or something..which i suppose it does but in my final year of my degree now.

    i dont know, i dont mind it - i guess i know i have learnt a lot, as a whole considering i am doing a bachelor of arts if i'm not sure its the same thing as in the US i am in australia, and it's bachelor of arts..i guess that part is more difficult to explain. people always say 'oh you paint' or something about ceramics..


    ive never really been looked down on for fact where i work is right in that field so everone sort of has this 'personality' that relates as far as all that is concerned - weird, but a nice feeling...aww

    after this i'm on to law

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